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Does your cat preer the indoor or the "outdoor" litter box.

We have indoor litter boxes for our cats, but hey prefer to use the "outdoor" litter boxes even when ti is raining.

"Outdoor" litter box(es), is a euphemism for using the garden, planters or other outdoor place to use as their restroom.

So, which choice fits your cat(s)?

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snytiger6 9 Sep 13

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Domestic cats are an invasive, non-native species in North America, and their feces spread toxoplasmosis to wildlife and humans for 18 months after being deposited.

Link: Free-roaming Cats Spread Toxoplasmosis, Public Health & Wildlife At Risk []

Link: A single cat can shed more than 20 million toxoplamosis parasites in their feces. Thousands of mammals and birds can then become infected by eating food, soil or water contaminated by a single cat. Under cool, humid conditions, these parasites can survive in the environment for at least 18 months, continuing to kill wildlife long after the cat has left the area.


One coudl also argue that domesticated dogs are nto native to the Americas.

After a few hundred years of cats beign here, at this point you can't put the genie back into the bottle.

I sometimes worked on teh Warner Brothers Studios lot. I was told about the Ferrel cats that are on the back lot. Someone who did nto liek cats decided to pay to have them all trapped and shipped to the Humane Society. In less than a week the studio was over run with rats, and they ended up paying to bring all the cats back. The point of tht story is the ecnologies of the area have alredy changed and adapted to the inport of cats.

@snytiger6 You are mistaken about cats getting rid of rats; the toxoplasma gondii virus uses rats complete to their life cycle in cats

Cats shed the virus in their feces, which can stay infectious for 18 months.

Rats ingest the parasite from food or water contaminated with cat feces.

The parasite infects the rat’s brain, causing the rat to feel attracted to cats and, once the rat gets eaten by a cat, it starts the cycle all over again.

Link: The Parasite That Makes a Rat Love a Cat

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