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Omg Fox Fact Free News is insane !!! They are trying to blame the Las Vegas tragedy on ISIS now !?

The nuts thing is that since 9/11 70% of terrorist attacks on mainland US have been perpetrated by white supremacist ethno nationalist groups and individuals!!!

“In the seven and a half years between those two attacks, domestic terrorism in America – acts that are plotted and executed on American soil, directed at US citizens, by actors based here – spiked dramatically. But hardly anyone noticed.

During that time span, there were 201 total cases of domestic terrorism in the United States – almost three times the rate of the preceding eight years. The large majority of these crimes were committed by right wing extremists – some 115 in all, compared to 63 cases of Islamist-inspired domestic terror, and 19 cases of left wing-extremist terrorism.”

From “Alt-America: the time for talking about white terrorism is now” The Guardian


Will Macavoy is one Republican commentator who condemns the extremist religiousity of the new GOP saying that the radical wing of the Republican Party, the Tea party, is the new taliban. Macavoy points out the link being made in Trumpian Republicanism between MORALITY and WEALTH:

“The most conservative Republicans today aren't Republicans.

The Tea Party believes in loving America but hating Americans ( ) and they believe that anyone who disagrees with the Tea Party has sinister anti American motives ( )

And one other plank in the Tea Party platform, if you're poor , it means you're either too lazy or too stupid to be rich. “

Macavoy also outlines how the new radical right wing of the Republican Party has rewritten American history and in doing so they are attempting to undermine the fundamental separation of church and state guaranteed by the founding fathers.

Macavoy continues:

“During Tea Party rallies we've been told that America was founded as a Christian nation and that if the founding fathers were here today they’d tell us so. Here’s John Adams in The Treaty of Tripoli:

“As the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

Thomas Jefferson: “ That our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions.”

The First Amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

The very men and women who should be standing up to religious fundamentalism are so frightened of losing primary battles to religious zealots that they have thrown in the towel on sanity; so we get this:

John McCain :
“...the constitution established America as a Christian nation. “

We should not forget that Macavoy is a Conservative and is genuinely worried at the use of religion as a divide and conquer tactic on working and middle class Americans. He characterises the worst impulses of American Christian fascism as follows:

Ideological purity; compromise is weakness ;
fundamentalist’s belief in scriptural literalism; denying science , unmoved by facts, undeterred by new information, a hostile fear of progress; a demonisation of education, a need to control women's bodies, severe xenophobia, a tribal mentality, intolerance of dissent and a pathological hatred of the U.S. government.

They can call themselves the Tea Party , they can call themselves conservatives and they can even call themselves Republicans, though Republicans shouldn't.

We can call them what they are - The American Taliban.”

As Thom Hartman points out, there isn't that much difference between extremist Islam and extremist white nationalist Christian fascism.
They are two sides of the same coin:

“Whether you wanna be a Nazi or whether you wanna be an ISIL Jihadi then you are basically operating from the same place. ( )

In America white supremacists who are self described as Christian are the single largest terror threat to American security. That's according to the FBI and 392 police agencies according to a study published last year.
George Bush, a devout Christian said God told him to invade Iraq, whereby according to some estimates one million civilians were killed due to this unjust war.

The KKK still exists and calls itself a Christian organisation; the nazis still exist , they proclaim Christianity; the Aryan Nation still exists and they proclaim Christianity, so before you question any Muslim about ISIS, which was to do with that bombing and nothing in the Qu’ran , please check yourself: I'm pretty sure it was Jesus who said something about moats and beans and judge not lest ye be judged.( )

Is this us now? And we’'re in bed with the Saudis? The leading exporters of hardline Wahabism, hardline Islam in the world , ...

OutlawJosie 6 Jan 24

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There have been lots of claims as to the vegas shooters motives yet no one wants to see the truth. It is too scary. He wasn't acting for ISIS or rightwing supremists or acting on voices or on a twisted ideology. The truth is so horrifingly simple. He did it for the BUZZ. Same as most of the shooters like this. They are seeking the thrill of being alive that modern life has lost. We no longer fight to survive, we have lost the thrill of the hunt and the kill, yet the animal inside has its needs. We all seek the thrill in different ways, in a gun culture as in the US, is it any wondser that shootings arte part of the thrill game of humanity. The thrill of power, life and death in your touch, one step from being a god. It's not ideology that we need to fear, it's our humanity.


Recently I texted to an acquaintance that, though we have had unusually low temperatures in our area, the science is the AVERAGE temperature determines whether we are experiencing global warming. He replied, "science - - FAKE NEWS! Liberal brain washing!" When we have voters like this making atrocious selections for their representatives in D.C., this is the new normal. "Intelligent Design" is "acceptable" as well as any other "hypothesis" any moron can conjure. This idea of ISIS being a part of the Las Vegas tragedy is just another example of the irrational gaining ground as the new reality.

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