[m.digitaljournal.com] Canadian woman was convinced her dead husband was going to resurrect from the dead where he had been hidden away, only to rot. I never heard about this story back in 2014. The sad thing about things like this is the people will never learn about the realities of life, but instead will just go on and make an excuse, saying,” It wasn’t meant to be or it was his time to go.” The ironic thing is the people that were brought back from the dead in the Bible were dead, too and no one ever bothers to say anything like,” It was their time to go. “ if it was, too their time to go then in the Bible, it should have not been any different. Apparently the husband, who died refused medical treatment after getting an infection and put his full faith in god to heal him.
"Oh, we don't need medicine, we have prayer instead," they all say. Then when their children die, they think they didn't have enough prayers.
I once had a religious freak tell my cousin not to take her medicine anymore at her church because if she did hen she wasn’t trusting god fully. She told me about it and I told her to take her medicine for as long as her doctor tell her to. If god didn’t want her with any type of illnesses then he would have not allowed her to have any type of illness and she would not have to beg and or go on to depend on faith in the first place.
That's what happens when people are brought up to believe in fairytales. Imagine what our society would be like if the main religion was based not on the bible but on Grimm's Fairy Tales.
That’s a scary thought. I think I will go and grow my hair out now so that I can gain massive strength.
Or have your prince climb up to reach you in the tower. LOL
@Betty lol
People are gulable....
And I think safe to say mentally ill, too.