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LINK Ghost Radio vol. 2: The Reghostening (Better Taglines to Come) - YouTube

Trying to give a satisfactory musical introduction would take much longer than 8 songs, and I don't want to A) hit anybody with a 3 hour playlist or B) have to compile a 3 hour YouTube playlist. I figure 8 songs is reasonable bordering on longish.

Track List:
Death in Vegas - Hands Around My Throat
Chumbawamba - Good Ship Lifestyle
Skiny Puppy - Glowbel
Tricky - Ghetto Stars
Puscifer - Indigo Children
Massive Attack - Daydreaming
Twista - Sunshine (feat. Anthony Hamilton)
Cake - Frank Sinatra

  • The first installment was posted in the Music Fans and Eclectic Jams groups, and can be found in the playlists tab of YouTube or on my profile here. This time around I wanted it to still be available in the event I decide to hide my group posts and may continue to do so in the future
geist171 6 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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-goes to track down all songs-

I'm definitely a fan =)

@wick3dwond3rland you should be able to chock the title (because it's a link) I believe lol

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