If or when you find out you're pregnant do you believe that you should have to contact the man that got you pregnant? If so, why? If not, why not? And man what do you think?
If you know the man that got you pregnant,then you should inform him,so that he can make an informed decision.
You mean so that they can make an informative decision. It's not his body. It may be his sperm but that doesn't make it on even ground.
If we are in a committed relationship and am affected I should know. Otherwise it is up to her.
This is a tough question with many ways to answer: one way could be with a question... "If you knew your father why stopping the baby from having the same privilege?" That is Only if is a Keeper. If is not being kept... he should put the money for the termination.
I'd gladly pay that bill.
I was lied by a doctor once that told us me and my gf that she was pregnant, coming out of the doctor's office I told her I will man up and marry her and that I will stop seeing the other girl I was seeing. a week later... it was a boo boo. I should had sue him for malpractice and wasting a good deal for me. Motherfucker. But honest... if she is keeping it, I will like to know of every sperm of mine walking around on earth. I will like to be part of the process simply because she ain't Virgin Mary or me Holy Father god. She can name him jesus if she wants.
I got pregnant with my musician boyfriend at 42. Got married 5 months pregnant.
Did you get married because you were pregnant or because you were in love or both?
Infatuated-not in love and pregnant. Exciting to be with band.
Never been pregnant so I'm out of this one.
I am with you on that one.
Opinion piece:
Is the pregnancy due to rape, incest, or any sort of coersion? NO. Absolutely no. File a report, and protect others and yourself.
Consentual love-making? YES. But, you made a baby, with help. Don't make a woman carry the whole weight for 18 years - for a half-hour of fun or a short-term fling.
If you love sex, but do not want to be a mother/father, be more selective and careful with whom you bed and their religious/political stance. Recreational sex comes with high-ticket-price-tags, when you least expect.