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LINK Our System Is Too Broken to Assess the Sexual Assault Claim Against Kavanaugh

This son of bitch is going to be confirmed because that's what the republicans want. This whole damned thing is about putting up judges who will rule in their favor. Judges we're all going to be stuck with for a very long time. These bastards protect their own.

KKGator 9 Sep 15

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That is why term limits and age limit for retirement are important and should be amended in the Constitution.


This whole circus really pisses me off and what makes it even worse are the women voting against their own best interest. There religious beliefs override common sense, moral and ethical sense to the point they have become stupid.
I can only hope this sham hearing and bullshit investigation (I just think the gop is gonna limit it) get those of us who are not ignorant motivated to get out and vote - Yah!!


I hope women mobalize and more women run for office and get voted in.


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