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Are you a fan of live theater? If so, how often do you get to go? What is your favorite live performance so far.

Crimson67 8 Jan 24

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Absolutely ! Being in a local theatre company, I've been in numerous shows, and gone to see many others with fellow thespians. The most fun you can have with your clothes on (though some costumes were mighty sparse !).

My favorite that I was in, was the lush musical "Sweeney Todd - the demon Barber of Fleet St". The music, by Stephen Sondheim is simply superb !

And my favorite I saw others in, was "The Elephant Man". Unforgettable !

And then there's Broadway - with "The Lion King" winning it all for me !!!

@MrLizard Part of the all-purpose ensemble. We each get to be several different characters, go out and threaten the audience, and provide much of the musical punch during dramatic moments. Much running around and costume changes - great fun !


Sorry, when I first glanced at the topic line I though it said "Are you a fan of liver?" . I wondered where that was going. 8)
Yes I am. As a matter of fact I am going to a musical Saturday. I used to play the cello, LONG time ago, and actually played in the orchestra pit for a few musicals. Maybe this Saturdays' performance will bring back fond memories.


YES was a theatre major in college. Love live theatre. Hope to see a show next week on my trip.


I really love the theater, but I have not been able to see a live performance in years. Musical theater is great, but I love Shakespeare.

Shakespeare's works are wonderful live!

I agree completely. What is your favorite play? @Donna_I

@LEPeff to difficult to pick just one! Hamlet is the one I am most draw to or maybe just most produced. Lol!

Hamlet is definitely a great play. The biggest problem with Hamlet is that every hack actor out there want to do a production of Hamlet to show the world how good they are. Not every actor can pull it off. @Donna_I

@LEPeff lol! Very true.


Yes...and involved with our local theater for many years.

Bravo for being involved!


Yes. Whenever I have someone to go with me and it occurs to me to buy tickets. I used to goto NYC every year to see a bunch of plays both on and off Broadway but not for a while.

Big musicals can be fun, my favorite is Little Shop of Horrors. I saw Wicked in NYC, Cats in Toronto, Jersey Boys in SF, and lots more. I'm not so into the big slick shows.

I prefer small venues. My favorite performance of all time was in Denver, small theater, can't recall the name but it was about a guy living in a remote cabin in Alaska who rescues a woman in a wedding dress who skipped out of her wedding in Vegas and just kept driving. Only the two characters but it was riveting.


Yes but I rarely go. Loved Book of Mormon.


I try to go to plays put on by local theater groups. I've been to a few in the last year or two — A Streetcar Named Desire, Doubt: A Parable, The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) — but I hadn't been to a live performance for a long time before that. I'm not interested in high school performances, especially. My favorite was probably… hmm… either Shear Madness at The Kennedy Center (many years ago, but I see it's still performed) or The Importance of Being Earnest performed by The National Players on tour in southern Indiana (again, many years ago). Both shows were extremely funny.

We saw "complete works of Shakespeare - abridged" as well it was very good.

@Donna_I The actors here were a little green, according to someone involved with the production, so it may have lost a little something — but it was still quite funny.

@resserts I have only seen it once as well. Would like to see it againn! 🙂


Try to go to our local community theater several times a year. My wife is playing piano for rehearsals and will play during the show for "Oklahoma". Have a lot of friends who do theater, and try to see their performances. We do get to more live music events, than theater. Have tickets to one a week for next three weeks.


My favorite was Book of Mormon.


I live about 6 blocks from the local community college which actually does some really great shows. But I hardly ever go. Don't really know why. The nearest big-name shows are an hour away and expensive. I did go see Wicked this past fall and it was fabulous! Others that I've seen were a long long time ago. I wish I could go more.


Yes; not as much as I'd like; an ultra-modern adaptation of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex I saw at the National Theatre 22 years ago (in part, because it was the last time I had the absolutely amazing coconut ice cream they used to sell during the intermission and have since stopped stocking).

Jnei Level 8 Jan 24, 2018

I'm more of a concert goer but, I do love live theater. Haven't been to one in FOREVER. But, now that you've mentioned it, I might have to find something in Denver to frequent.

Duke Level 8 Jan 24, 2018

I used to work at the Beverly. I used to go see shows at Tulane and the Saenger.


I greatly enjoy live theatre but rarely go. I think It is much more fun to be in a production (orchestra pit or stage) then to watch. I recall a single line I had from a play many years ago where my character was allowed to gleefully elevate the audience as they shared a blissful reminiscence of nostalgic beauty then, when I fell into great sorrow, let them all down to in the grim realization that all I once loved was to be no more. I can not express the feedback from an audience of hundreds; how you can feel their happy energy you shared then movements later when your character faces sorrow - - it is like the entire crowd looses their smile and slumps slightly. Most nights, some in the audience would vocalize a sad "Aww."


I really love the theater, but I have not been able to see a live performance in years. Musical theater is great, but I love Shakespeare.


Saw 'Hair' live about a year ago at local community theater directed by Ben Vereen. It was nothing like the movie that was made years ago. It was great, I didn't know it was a complete musical, so much more music involved. At the end the cast dances out to the lobby and kept on singing. Fascinating


I saw a number of plays when at college and university. I have probably seen a couple of good ones such as "Hamlet" "The School For Scandal" and "The Caretaker". I've also seen the opera "Madame Butterfly" and the ballet "Swan Lake". Each of these were all a great night out.


I love it. I haven't been to one in a long time though. I've seen Aida, Les Mis, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, Movin' Out, and I was supposed to go see Rent, but settled for it on the screen.


I used to on my college days... there was this italian play about collective hysteria called Rhino. Were members of a village started to morph into rhynos and at the end part of the audience was into the play unbeknownst to us and out of a sudden you will see a rhyno head in your balcony and in the public and aisle... I think the end was awesome. Also the plays about a folk hero character of the Puerto Rico streets called Victor Campolo... there were 2 books and 2 plays. I have a buddy that played him in one play and his buddy Peyo Animala in the other. A former flame of mine was also in the play as one of the dancers. It was progressive slam, in your face 70's theater, the sex scene was real. I remember one phrase of his trial "I am Victor Campolo that smokes marijuana and that is why I couldn't be charged with possession" Last play was in DC, in spanish, I think a Colombian or Venezuelan theater group touring USA. About an alcoholic mad man and a prostitute in the marginalized outskirts of a city. They have not realized they are dead. I enjoyed Philadelphia's ballet company rendition of Dracula about a decade ago.


LOVE live theater and get to see some (large and small, professional and amateur...). Absolute fave: Hamilton on Broadway, summer of 2016. I was able to get tickets right before they skyrocketed due to popularity.

Zster Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

Hopefully, with multiple companies, you will get a chance. It's worth it!


Love live theater. I have acted since I was 11 and directed for the las 30+ years. My favorite show to watch was Les Mis. My favorite show to act in was My Fair Lady (Alfie Dolittle). My favorite show to direct was Steel Magnolias.


I love live theatre, including opera. I don't go nearly as often as I'd like, in part because I splurge on symphony tickets, which is my first love. I've seen so many performances that I was crazy about, but the one I want to see again is Noises Off. I've never laughed so hard in my life.


Absolutely love live theatre, mostly musical, musical comedy, drama. It’s been quite awhile, always had season tickets... have always been a sports fan, would never consider season tickets. Theatre, if you let it, can transport you to the time and place, damn I miss that.

Tomas Level 7 Jan 24, 2018

Haven't been to the theater in awhile. Ticket prices are just too rich for my pocketbook these days.

Haven't done any acting in a long time either. For some reason, the passion for the stage just suddenly disappeared one day.

FAVORITE ROLE: Horton the Elephant in a production of Seussical. Not a particularly good show, but a fun part to play.

FAVORITE SHOW: Miss Saigon. Left me physically and emotionally drained for three days after the first time I saw it.

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