Why is there have to be something instead of nothing?
you assume there HAS to be something. maybe there is something because it is, not because it HAS to be.
This is mumbo-jumbo. you are playing with words. How about reading a little Physics, especially astrophysics and cosmology?
Science deals with "nothing" explained as such when they cannot exactly put a finger on what is there. Dark Matter seems to be in that category right now. Before Hubble we had no good pictures of things in our universe and even then it failed until they went up and polished the lens. I'm saying we see the universe and Cosmos but not correctly. It is nice to watch the images they have collected. It soothes me to see them but in time it will all change because of a better model and better equipment.
It's all nothing. You make it something.
Like I said before: The 1st law of thermodynamics (preservation of matter and energy) states that nothing can come of nothing, so in our universe we cannot "create" anything from nothing. But here is what the layman calls absurd -the sum total of the universe is NOTHING. I speak about the sum total of matter and energy. all the other matter-energy combinations are negated by the negative energy of gravity. Therefore new universes can and are happening (I specifically avoid the word created). Each of these universes still amounts to nothing.