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Why is Jesus Christ so offensive in society?

Claw94 2 Sep 17

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sorry, but what do you mean by jesus christ? are you referring to the possibly fictional jesus (not his real name in any case) as a christ, which is only believed within christianity? no one here believes that, so averring that here would be somewhat offensive, or at least baffling. or do you mean the epithet "oh jesus christ!" (as in when you bang your thumb with the hammer, or hear trump speak)? in that case, it is not offensive to anyone here, but to a christian it might be, since there is a thing about "taking the lord's name in vain" (which presumes there is a lord and that this lord has a name and that the name is jesus and that the title is christ). if you mean something other than those two things, then i can't guess and cannot answer until that issue is clarified.



To whom is Jesus Christ offensive? And in what society? If Jesus Christ is 'offensive' it is clearly a minority opinion in contemporary American culture.


You mean like when people use it as an exclamation? Probably because it’s used like a swear word!

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