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Just this morning, I heard this TV ad for hearing aids ... they go through the usual sales pitch, ending with "serving God through excellent patient care "

Almost made me bring up my breakfast ! If they're in the business of helping people hear, shouldn't they be striving to give excellent patient care automatically ? Have you heard any ads with similar BS, on radio or TV ?

evergreen 8 Jan 25

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Serving God? If they need to make hearing aides he must not be worth serving.


These kind of references, cause me to feel like I am being 'munipulated'...I never feel cared 'about.' I don't get a feeling of being 'undergirthed.' It feels more like a 'slight of hand' having me think like them! Then sometimes, I feel some Christian people are trying to distract I want find their deception or dishonesty. I mostly get my back up, lol...


I KNOW, the feeling!


But at least you know that your hearing is good, since you heard that !!!! 🙂


Pillow man and his necklace,domino's pizza and many others

I really don't like that pillow guy ! He creeps me out....


Oh FFS!!!!
I see them locally, too.
Actually, I'm glad to know which businesses are like this. Let's me know where NOT to
spend my money.


My answer,this could only happen in the USA or religiously controlled countries like Iran etc.


It's an act. Some people are lured by irrationality and willingly take the bait.


That's how they can take all your money so easily. People here god and fall all over them selves. My wife says have a blessed day and I just go blank. She has to say it to everyone she leaves...ugh! People eat that up.


Not really puke-worthy, IMHO. When exegetes derived what "holiness" is from the OT, the answer is "To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, raise up those who are bowed down, care for the sick, comfort the morning." If the company is sincere, they've got point 4.

Not puke worthy to you perhaps ...

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