"The attorney for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wrote a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley saying 'a full investigation by law enforcement officials' should take place before any hearing on allegation against SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh."
more news: mark judge, the person ford says witnessed the attempted rape, says he refuses to testify. he is known to have been a black-out drunk, and in his high school yearbook, he is quoted as saying "some women should be struck regularly, like gongs."
Been watching MSNBC to follow this. No male senator nor trump wants an FBI hearing. Maybe state of MD will investigate and press charges. Mark Judge is a piece of shit drunk who doesn't want to talk to anyone.
may i correct that? no male REPUBLICAN senator wants the investigation. democratic senators of both genders DO want it. mark judge is a nobody. if there is an investigation, his desires will not be honored and he WILL have to talk to someone.
@genessa sorry how could I forget RETHUGLICANS?
@sassygirl3869 i wish i could forget them!