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Should those over 80 be allowed to vote?

I was discussing this recently with a friend. I say no.

I figure they had their go at things, benefited from what the government and society had to offer (in the case of the Boomers drank the well dry) and they are out of touch and don't understand the mainstream (with few exceptions). I wouldn't want my God-fearing Christian mother (rest in peace) dictating the world my daughter inherits. At the very least you should be excused from office when you turn 80.

Some of the worst critics of the rising generation and supporters of this cesspool of an administration are crusty old white men who still think we are engaged in the Cold War and that the left is communist.

Yes, this is all hypothetical and no I would never urge amending the Constitution to disenfranchise a demographic but seriously...

BawdyEclectic 6 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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