Street Epistemology...(a quickie)...
“I hope for the majority of the population to want to believe true things.”
This is a worthy aspiration, but the problem may be that most of us already share this desire, but lack the open mindedness and critical thinking skills necessary to understand 'why,' or more importantly, 'how' we come to believe certain propositions to be true.
The disciples of Peter Boghossian—those wonderful Street Epistemologists—have their work cut out for them, as far too many of us rely on lazy reasoning or worse, faith, which Bogohossian has defined as, ‘pretending to know things you don’t know.’ And yet it is very often through engaging in one-on-one conversations and using the Socratic method of asking fundamental questions that core beliefs may be examined, deconstructed and, in many cases, modified.
Magnabosco takes Boghossian's work out on the street & films most of it. He does a great job & I'm trying to emulate him in the sense of not being as confrontational, which can derail making headway with folk. It's still a work in progress for me!