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Guns in the US

I just read about another shooting in Maryland. What do you think about gun laws in the US? Probably this will be a polemic question but I'm too curious. Hopefully we'll get a good debate on this.

Paddypereira 7 Sep 20

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Yes, we have a problem that many don't want to debate - just hurl insults at each other. As a vet, I want to support the constitution, but should the 2nd amendment be seen like Hamilton envisioned it? Those who are unaware, he felt all Americans should have any weapon possessed by the military. No neo rational or sane person would accept that, giving nucs to individuals, etc. So why can't we discuss what kind of weapons should be allowed. Why can't we be more like Iceland, a country with a third of its population having guns, but no gun homicides in 4 decades? There they have mandatory classes and testing just like people getting a driver's license. Or Switzerland where all men have weapons training and remain on active reserve and continue training into their fifties. They keep their military rifles, but must keep them safe and stored properly and undergo inspection from time to time. Comman sense gun control makes sense. Training makes sense. A better health system makes sense. More money equality would also help. Better examples being set by those in power.
If the current power base stays, the first amendment will be skinned, then others attacked. Ironically, those who support such actions will find those erosions will bring about a change to their 2nd amendment (classic fascist actions)

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