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QUESTION The Story of the Domestic Fox - YouTube

Fascinating Russian study about the domestication the silver fox. Blew apart the popular though that man domesticated the wolf. The study Offers a glimpse into the process of evolution. Many more in depth videos exist on this experiment .

Kojaksmom 8 Jan 26

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Blew apart? Looks like it confirmed.

skado Level 9 Jan 26, 2018

It was a long-held belief that man ,through his actions alone, domesticated the wolf. This study confirmed that domestication begins with the animal itself. The wolf domesticated itself.

@Kojaksmom How so?

@skado most likely wolves feared man and avoided man at all cost. A few select animals with lower aggression /fear response to humans was where the domestication process began. Just as the Russian study concluded ,it is impossible to domesticate an animal just by human interaction.

OK, I see what you're saying. But it still wouldn't have gone, in nature, as far as it did with human interaction, right? @Kojaksmom

@skado human interaction speeded up the entire process.


Pretty cool... I'm wondering if they have that hidden instinct to attack like the pit bulls?

All dogs regardless of the breed are descendants of wolves. The larger breeds with the physical power and athleticism are the ones that can do the damage. I used to be terrified of pit bulls now I love them

@Kojaksmom I know about dogs .... good luck.

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