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Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?

To all former believers: was sex more fun when you still feared an all seeing, all knowing, wrathful God? For me, agnostic sex is still awesome, but without the fear of eternal damnation, it's not as risky or exciting. I also got a kinky thrill thinking the old guy in the sky was floating on a cloud, judging me. Thoughts?

EricTrommater 9 Jan 26

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I don't understand what original sin is


The worst part about being an atheist, you have nobody to talk to during an orgasm.

Oh, theorical God! Oh, theoretical God!


No it's MUCH better without the idea of religion in the mix.


NO! The burden of guilt has been lifted! So I can enjoy it more and feel free to experiment.


Sex was more fun when I was doing it with someone else. Boo hoo

I keep telling my foster son (22) it doesn't count as sex when there is no-one else in the room.


Nope. At age 13, I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. I was too young for sex.

As an atheist, sex is thrilling and euphoric. The mind is the best sex organ.


I never believed, so I have nothing to compare it to. I’ve also always been bi. Both kinds of sex are just great. Plus solitary sex, lol.
If it turns out there are gods, I guess I’ll ask if they enjoyed the show. 😁


There is much to be said about enjoying being a human without guilt for being a human.

"Religion is not always in sex, but sex is always in religion."
David La Deau AKA Compelledunbeliever

There is much to be said about forbidden fruit being sweeter as well.


It's a pity those pedo priests didn't feel a sense of guilt.


Nope, Free sex is a lot more exciting knowing that you and your partner can do what the hell feels good that you both agree to do.


I never actually thought about it during the act, and if I gave it any thought at all, it was kinda creepy that a guy in an imaginary place was watching me get it on.

However, the very best sex of my life was with my married neighbor, who was also a Jehovah's Witness, and I guess by her standards we were sinning left, right, center, front, back, and sideways (and on one occasion sort of upside down). (I know, I know... TMI 😀) So, depending on how you look at it, I guess when she was sinning, sex was the most fun?

If I had it all to do over, though... much as I loved and wanted her, I would tell her to get herself free first and then be with me. Because that's the straightforward moral choice. I should never have got in the middle of their marriage.

@Jerry8472 They were sinning with the atheists and agnostics like me 😀

@miked3003 .... Interesting. I wonder of it's something about the religion?

I know mine was very frustrated because her husband viewed sex as mainly for making kids, and they had done that, so except on the rare occasions he was super-horny, he wasn't interested. If their church indoctrinates people that way, then those who aren't good at suppressing a normal sex drive are going to seek outlets outside of marriage...

@miked3003 Probably raised that way, then.
My best man was a gay Mormon who drank and went to the strip club with us (for academic interest only on his part).


I have never been religious so I would not know. Though sex is still fun as it was always. Seems to me like you need to find a new kink to keep it exciting. Or maybe you are doing it wrong? 😉 hehe

Sacha Level 7 Jan 26, 2018

Do we ever learn to do it right?


You can still think about Sexy Jesus.

Jesus, to the disciples, "Remember boys, you should turn your other cheek."


As an atheist since age 13, I am free of guilt and inhibitions.

Sex is wonderful without mental roadblocks.


I could never make myself believe in original sin. So I gave all religion up : ))


There was no time when I was having sex and believed in original sin (if I ever did).

Same here. My parents taught us that we deserved sexual pleasure.


Didn’t ever believe in sin, so no.


Are you kidding? I never believed for one minute about any nonsense about sin and sex (or maybe I was one of those who didn't want to believe). It became more pleasurable with practice and learning new ideas.

Well I did! Santa and the Easter Bunny were also tramatic lessons.


I "Lived in Sin" for almost 20 years without realising it. Although we are both atheists, we got married in a Catholic church in order to please some members of our two families, and anyway, we enjoy a bit of "ceremony"
The Priest who officiated was rather elderly (He had officiated at my mother's wedding!) and had also been invited to the reception. (He loved a good, well lubricated party and told the most outrageous jokes)
Anyway, he forgot to actually register the marriage with the Government registry, or even to sign our marriage certificate. It was only when we applied for a certified copy of our marriage certificate - and they couldn't find it - that we went to the church where we had been been married. The new priest looked at our certificate and pointed out it had no signature on it, something we hadn't even noticed. He looked up the old church registration books, and found the stub of our certificate, which had been signed, He therefore notified the authorities 18 years after the event!
We immediately wrote to our teenage children, who were at boarding school, starting the letters off with "Hello, you little bastards". What a shame we didn't know we were being sinful. It would have added extra spice to our life!


never once did I think about that...although someone besides god watching me is kind of a turn on...



To me, sex is better without fear, because it opens up the possibility of relaxation and an easy, comfortable psyche, so it will make sex with someone who we like much more pleasurable.
But since in my experience hook-ups depend mostly on there being some element of danger or thrill to overcome boredom (since there is no built up element of trust or affection in a hook-up), then it makes sense to me that the absence of belief would make sex seem less great.


Never believed in original sin. Sex was always great for me, but as I got older it became even better! Been single for years so good men are harder to find.


I was raised atheist when atheism wasn't in the menu , and in a country that pope is the man ? I guess I was lucky !


I’ve never believed in God, but I do recall the all seeing, all knowing wrathful Mom catching me in the act once, and that was no fun LOL... Sounds like you need to try some more risqué public interactions. 😉

Don't we all!


Just a different brain I guess, but that didn't make it more fun. It terrified me. I took eternal damnation very seriously. Way more fun with only two people in the room judging me.


When I was younger I was more afraid of getting pregnant than anything else! Other than that I was too horny to care! Lol

Wish I had met you when you were younger!

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