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Should medicine be practiced for profit or for need?

Marine 8 Sep 23

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If we were to subsidize medical education, physicians could practice without bankrupting us.

Sports figures ruined pay scales for everyone when they started getting million dollar contracts which led to CEO's demanding higher p[ay and Universary professors which raised school prices.


Hospitals are non-profit. Those that work in them are for profit.
If you remove the $$ reward from any field, you remove progressive effort.
The answer is to get the federal government out of the medical fee schedule and let healthcare go free market.
The medical industry is the only industry that will not quote prices and everyone pays a different price based on who their insurance co is or isn't

Sorry but i disagree with you. Blue Cross Blue Schield insurance was non profit coverage and it was the creme of the crop coverage that every union wanted because of what it offered. Hospitals do not need to be run for profit rather just to cover their costs such as labor ,equipment, buildings and expansion, and research.Hospitals did this in general during the 40's 50's and 60's and then started going for profit. When they did the latter they cut cornners ,service went down and costs went up for all, that used the hospital.Family members were involved in this change.


I believe it should be for need. Medical needs for all should be met. I'm sure they could still find a way to get some profits by offering luxury medical facilities (they do now).


I personally do not believe hospitals should be run on a for profit basis.Naturally they must cover expenses but to make a profit on someones illness just seems incorrect. I can see the charge including things like expansion,research,maintaining the facility but not for just profit to pay stock holders.

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