Other than smile and eyes......I'm all about sexy arms....not too bulky but defined muscle that comes from physical labor.....oops, thought about it too much ?
Guilty of eye measuring Waist to Hip ratio. Perky Chest, firm Buttocks. I prefer dress to pants because allow me look at legs and with the right wind... thighs. I observe ankles but not elbows. Close my eyes and listen to the voice. From a distance watch her dance... does she got it? Can she feel the vibe? Does she own the dance floor? I observe a lot. Do I know she is around because of her perfume? After she is gone... does stays on my clothes? Can I smell her in the morning on my pillow? Do I want her back? Women have a Lot to offer to me. Can she inspire me... a song? a poem? a verse? a rhyme? Not a single line? Because not all can, I know, I tried.
Honestly, I like different qualities on different women. Variety is the spice of life. But that classic Coke bottle curve does things to me.
For me it is the silhouette. That is usually the first thing I notice. Mostly because I see people from a distance first. I can pretty much know if your male or female just by your silhouette and the way you move a block away. So, if you have a feminine silhouette thats a plus 2 right there. Then is the masculine vs feminine trait latter. Long hair +2 short hair -2. So if you're wearing a puffy jacket with short hair your at a -4 right from the get go. But if you're wearing a long skirt and hair long hair you're starting out +4. Before I even say hi. Just saying.
Its strange ( so am I ?)
I love a woman’s neckline - like from the neck to the shoulder in a tank top or a sleeveless-backless dress
Not strange....I get it.
Fit torso, everything from the hips up to and including the neck. Hard to achieve but damned sexy.
Showing genuine interest. A lot of stuff follows that, and that's what it makes it so good.
In answering this I think we should bare in mine that we descended from carnivorous quadrapeds. Almost all regard the rump as the primary sexual signal. That's why females have dimples on the backside and facial cheeks. They are sexual turn--ons because the sense of smell was replaced by vision once our ancestors became arboreal. Notice when a lioness is in heat she rubs her butt in the face of the alpha lion to get a good whiff of her feramones. That's why humans have pubic hair to capture her alluring fragrances.
Therefore, the answer to the question is: A nice curvy ass.
One more point on this: Of all nature's millions and millions of creatures, humans are the only species with a full frontal sexual display.
I find myself physically attracted to a pretty broad range of women, but they all seem have one thing in common: a beautiful smile.
Guess I’m a sucker for a smile.
A lot of us are. Just a smile can get me every time.
Visible muscle! Yum... Unfortunately most muscular women I've known were either too religious, politically conservative, emotionally incompetent or all three.
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places......I've known muscular women who were independent, intelligent, and not brainwashed.
@VelociraptorRemy I'm sure you're right. Just trying to figure out why I ain't finding them...