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Affairs of the heart.

(Originally a comment on a post but felt it worthy of a post.)

It happened a couple of years ago. At first it was just like an unfamiliar feeling in my chest. Then the pain hit my neck, and my shoulders. I thought it was back pain due to my uncomfortable office chair. I made an appointment online with my doctor. The incident happened on a Friday, and my appointment was for next Tuesday. The nurse told me if it got worse go to the ER. I shrugged it off and thought it was nothing. The pain continued into Saturday but by Sunday it was gone. When I went to the doctor on Tuesday, I drove myself, and walked in like usual. I had the doctor convinced it was because I had just eaten an Extreme Tatar tot's from Sonic. He said just in case let's do an quick EKG.

Next thing I knew everything went fast forward. The doctor came back in WITH A WHEELCHAIR! He said you are having an active heart attack. I'm taking you to the ER right now. I was like, "No way." He nodded. I got in the chair. In the ER I told the ER doctor I thought it was the Extreme Tatar tot's from Sonic. He said no your blood works indicates its an active heart attack. Mind you, I felt no pain, and really couldn't understand it at all. I got tickled that the ER doctor told the heart specialist about my Super Sonic Extreme tots! Hey, maybe it did cause it? Who knows.

They life flighted me to the nearest heart specialist about 45 miles away. I enjoyed the ride. Flirted with the pilot and watched the gorgeous view. As soon as we landed the cardiac care team rushed me in and did a heart cath on me. They determined my blockage was 85% but the arteries? were too small to stent. They released me the next day to go home on some medications and I see a heart doctor about twice a year now.

I think for women the main thing to note is the difference between a woman's heart attack and a man's. Often a woman will feel it in the back of her neck and shoulders. I finally did have pain down the left arm but that came later. According to @Duke his was like a gas bubble. Mine was not. So I guess its different for each of us but the doctor told me women's were often different from men's. I'm glad to still be here.

JustLuAnn 7 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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A long time 76 year old correspondent who is now a retired crippled ambulance man who has survived three heart attacks has long been advocating the benefit of the following enzyme. He states that not only has it saved him from further heart attacks but also significantly improved not only his own but his recently married wife's blood pressure.


I have had a couple incidents wherein I experienced a great pain in my upper left chest; during one incident, nearly passing out from the pain. When I explained, or elaborated on these instances to whichever doctor I was seeing at the time, tests ensued. In my humble ignorance, I explained these occurrences away as "gas." The upshot was/has been, after all the test results came back, that there is no chronic, or obstructive condition that would cause or precipitate a heartache. So my self-analysis appears to have been correct. But, it alarmed me enough to make a point with the medically qualified people to have it checked out. Don't mess around with such things, and don't shrug them off, please, for your own sake.


What a frightening experience. Thank you for sharing.

Betty Level 8 Jan 27, 2018

Eleven years ago, I passed out 3 times in one week. The doctor did an EKG and a echo sonogram. They said that I had a heart attack sometime in the year prior -- without knowing it -- and that the nerve centers controlling my heart beat were virtually gone. They put in a pacemaker and I am still going. As a matter of fact, due to a regular regimen of heavy weight training and my heart strength is now greater than it was 15 - 20 years ago. I really have no idea when that heart attack occurred.


I have so many aches and pains from my art work and work outs that I am pretty sure if I have this type of thing, I am totally gonna miss it. Or already have. Glad you are around to type this!


No fun, but I'm glad you are okay now. Now you know more what to expect. Take care.

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