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The good life?

What are the minimal necessary preconditions for the construction of engaged, productive individuals with meaningful lives in a society that is stable enough to sustain itself and dynamic enough to change?

DoublePlusDanny 5 Sep 25

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  1. something other than human beings to run it.

  2. sufficient food and water and a sufficient delivery system to which all members have access

  3. a system in which society finds a place for individuals that uses their skills effectively, instead of creating pre-formed spaces and accepting only those individuals that can malform themselves to fit them.

  4. a set of value principles informed by facts and able to change with new data. (one size fits all legal structures by necessity favor those who have control of the laws)

  5. sufficient shelter for all members of society, with "sufficient" being far above the level of "tent on the ground". such shelter should provide the most modern conveniences available to a certain degree. in any society in which some have mansions while others live on the street, you will not have "engaged, productive individuals with meaningful lives" outside of the group of people who literally don't care that people are dying in the street, and while you can build a society in which sociopaths are the happiest group, I do not believe it will be stable enough to sustain itself in the long term.

  6. medical care provided for all individuals to the best degree possible, and equally. like shelter, in a situation in which some have and some suffer, you will start to degrade the quality of life and the willingness to participate meaningfully in society of anyone with any moral compass, leaving only the takers in positions of success.

Do expand on #1 if you don’t mind.

@DannyC137 any system controlled by a select few humans will run afoul of the foibles of those humans. even if the first people to run it are well grounded, moral, and forthright, eventually those people with a bit of power will corrupt that power.

I do not believe that human beings will ever achieve a stable, sufficient society in which all members have a place or a chance, because no matter what power structure you create, those who achiever power will ALWAYS attempt to hold on to it, even when they no longer serve the ideals of that society.

"A man with power does not like to share it, a man with power will not willingly relinquish it". this is not true of All Persons, but is true enough that any system in which men have a way of controlling other men will eventually fall into the hands of such men.


Whoa..your question is excessively convoluted and verbose. Just write normally.

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