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QUESTION How to Feel Healthy and Less Lonely by Spending Time Alone

Many of us already know and practice these steps but I thought it was worth posting for those here who may be experiencing loneliness. Finding satisfaction on my own and nurturing my independence has made me feel less needy in relationships.

When I was a Christian, I was taught (women are especially taught this) that JOY meant Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last. That is a formula for depression, loneliness, and low self-worth.

Learning how to rejuvenate by enjoying your own company is a great first step to reducing loneliness.

Do you enjoy your own company?

What are some of the rejuvenating things you prefer to do alone?

VictoriaNotes 9 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh yes, everyone first women in the kitchen being the keeper of the flame....


I put myself to sleep counting ways to spend a PowerBALL jackpot I might win and those ways are how NOT TO BE ALONE life quality extension delaying the ultimate slumber of the grave


Boy you always drop heavy things that require a lot of thought.

First thing I saw was the word “sometimes”. Sometimes alone and with other(s) is normal for most and myself included? Items 1, 2, 3 yes. As I’ve gained age and experience 4 is less of a concern. With 5, I don’t want someone who shares all my interests. Being around someone with different interests is how one grows. 6 has been a given. 7 has been the story of my life even when I was in a relationship. In fact we both strived for this and made a big effort to do things apart. It made us appreciate one another. 8 is like 7 but with sound. For me that sound becomes writing. Lots and lots of notes. Even in the middle of the night. 9 and 10 (and some of the others seem directed at people who are not alone.

My relationships have not been like most and alone time was critical for 2 of them. One kept us going longer than it should have. Which, in the end turned for the better – for me.

Do I enjoy my own company, you bet. But I also enjoy some things more when with another. When one has a great relationship one takes a different view of life. I have been alone for over 16 years and in different kinds of relationships the rest of the time. Not many have had the variety I have had and this has given me a better perspective of who I am.

@VictoriaNotes If you were in an empowering relationship you wouldn't have to either - unless you wanted to. For me it should be a two way street, each learning, growing and sharing new interests from the other.

Thank you for that question. I have been trying to apply that question with what we talked about concerning nature vs. nurture. Maybe I'll get a chance to use it later.

@VictoriaNotes they wanted to be trophy husbands with StepFord wives ?

@VictoriaNotes It is not just a religious thing but often a cultural one. Parvin's sister-in-law was told it was her mission to take care of the men/family. She has 3 adult kids and the thought of being a away from her family terrifies her. 1 son abandoned the family and moved to Toronto. The other 2 daughters live at home and even has a child. Guess who takes care of the child? The family is not really religious but the idea was so ingrained from childhood there is no letting go.

@GreenAtheist Got anyone in mind? (DT).

@VictoriaNotes I tend to respectfully disagree (but am open to being wrong). I think culture came first. Religion (the organized kind anyway) is culturally motivated. Religion hijacks culture and shapes it for it's own benefit.

@VictoriaNotes Looking over your responses it seems, you feel as strongly about this as I did about immigration. It seems we both have areas we are passionate about!! This is what I like about this site, good, mostly friendly, conversations.

@JackPedigo TrumpOLINI pussy grabbing just cannot fit any movie but he does fit perfectly in old MussOLINI news reels pouting his lips scowling over his fans bombing innocent aboriginal people of Ethiopia or Yemen

@GreenAtheist When I first joined I made a comment about how it would be nice if tRump ended up as El Duche. (he and his mistress were shot, hung upside down and then left in the street for the citizens to use a a public toilet (leave it to the Italians). []


First of all, I liked the article. It can be of good support for people that are struggling with the idea that being alone is the same as being lonely. Reviewing my own life, I remember the times that I really tried hard to belong, being part of a group where I did not belong anyway. Well, let's say, low in the pick order as I did not really belong. The wrong kind of people. I believe I must have been lonely within a pack of people. It was 50 years ago, but still an important period that helped to shape my life. Also, these experiences made me to what I am today.
After that I had several years that, after having found a fitting group, I was not lonely and felt accepted. Even as I knew I was somewhat different in my visions, I had many years of good social life. By the way these were years that were totally without religion. The only place I felt I was a deviant, was in my family. Not much, but ongoing anyway. It is actually a sad thing when that happens in a group of which I could hardly say goodbye to, and that expected all kind of social activities from me. On the other hand, a continues reminder of the fact that I was different from the others (and I am). My emigration created a comfortable distance from my family and I only have to handle it during my scarce visits. That is a piece of cake now. Here in the US I do not really have a group that I am part of. Apart from my wife there are only a few people that I have contact with. Individual contacts, not a group. But I don't feel lonely at all. Well, the Internet has helped me a lot too. Already for many years I have accepted myself as the one that I am, and others for who they are. I love my life and the way it is organized. I'm not lonely at all, even though I am alone at home most of the time. Yes, self-respect, being as open to others as I can and enjoying my life, has been the secret for me. The only thing that is hard for me to do is being a sheep like most others around me. Loving what others love, being a part of a herd. I hate masses because people lose their individuality there and are hard to communicate with. I know I'm just a guy, but for me and my wife I'm really special, and so is my wife 🙂.

Gert Level 7 Jan 27, 2018

Thanks for this post. The article has several good points. I need to be able to go to a movie alone without worrying about others judging me. What the article doesn't mention is being with someone else going to a movie say, and that person being disconnected from you. In that case the attempt to be sociable is dreadfully lonely.

I hate to say that if I am not holding hands and stealing a kiss as a teenager and may fall asleep.


Great article...

@VictoriaNotes. It's a good thing to learn peace of mind in solitude and to embrace it. Ive never truely been alone. I enter act with people everyday.

@VictoriaNotes. Your very welcome


May be it is just me I can keep my self occupied regardless if I am alone . Might have something to do with that I dabble in so many subjects that to be board long enough to think about being alone. Do not get me wrong if someone wants to disturb my chaos (my mind)lol I welcome it.


I write, work on music, if inspired I can paint, I am very creative so I know what to do to pick me up. There is not always music, but never tv.

@VictoriaNotes Reason I always champion face to face is because I observe body language and people's reactions toward everything. One night in a disco club in San Juan in the 70's a girl we saw each other often as regulars and even danced a couple times was dancing by herself in a corner I am in the bar and because the angle it was as if we were the only people in the place just looking at each other and she was in tears... she gave me a sad smile almost thanking me for not interrupting the moment. I may had told someone, let her be... don't bother her. I kept that image all my life ever since... so I wrote a song about it.... and here it is.

@VictoriaNotes Thank You, I also have a story of the song, not the story in the song. If I ever find a writing partner that can put into words my thoughts... there is a beautiful movie there. About the songwriter being homeless due some bad breaks in life and this young dance teacher finding the cd demo and after not able to find ownership in the studio she used it for a dance competition of high schoolers, she notice the homeless attracted to their practice and rehearsals... an event happen later and they become pseudo friends when he start criticizing her choreography, he reveals a broken cd with the same writing as hers. There is rape and murder in his past of the original owner of the demo she has, At the end is a tragedy showing that there was a lot more to that homeless than his backpack and poor appearance. Maybe one day I can find somebody able to help me get it out from my head to the screen. There is a second version as a fast mambo but It is hard for me to sing it. I am attracted to dance so I wrote many songs about dancing. The choreography at the end of the competition were the ladies end dancing alone while their partners are on the phone or in the bar or with another woman and they cry on cue because he had died that same morning of the competition finals. I got great imagination and pretty visual actually. If I can ever made it happen, the music already made as a deal breaker and selling point. Everything to me is a story to be extracted.

@VictoriaNotes Fantastic and Beautiful and you can see the labour of love from the participants and brought me back memories because 2001 Baltimore club called Latin Palace there was this lady and we danced salsa in that style, the moment the strobe light will come up we changed our moves as if on cue feeding off each other... Didn't worked with nobody else, it wasn't a style it was a feel feeding us and vice versa nothing taught or rehearsed. Nothing else equals dancing. I saw Philadelphia Ballet Company rendition of Dracula... the dancer that portrayed Reinfeld stole the show. The initial scene of Dracula waking up to his 27 brides was surreal because of Dracula's large multicolor cape was visually impressive. Dance will continue living as the ultimate unleashed expression of the soul.


I like to hike up into the hills behind where I currently live. It's a fairly rigorous trek as there are some pretty steep inclines to go up and down. So, at 68, I feel like I'm doing pretty well engaging in strenuous hiking. Also, I mountainbike, mainly on fireroads now. I prefer biking with someone, but since I moved 6 months ago, I haven't yet found a suitable riding partner; so, I go by myself. Both activities make me feel good about myself (that I can still do them), and both give me time by myself to think about things.


I am and always been a loner.


I’ve always been pretty independent and very comfortable with my own company, but I realize that one thing that makes that easy for me is that I have authentic friendships and healthy family relationships available for support when I need it. So I make the effort to get out and spend time occasionally maintaining those connections, and even seeking new ones (here, for example). It’s the fuel that makes quality alone time possible for me.

skado Level 9 Jan 27, 2018

Maintaining the bond is important.


I'm never bored by myself. In fact I require a lot of time to recharge. In relationships I'm the same way. at least several times a week I get away from everyone to reflect, rest, and let mind wander. A good book, a TV show, a walk in a park, a solo trip to movies or the beach, a run, cooking something new... Doing things alone helps me remember who I am.


I like quality time with others I value, but I enjoy and even need time for myself. I spend the majority of time alone, voluntarily. It is my time to think, to reminisce, to formulate ideas and personal writings. Up until a ew years ago, I walked 3 miles every morning and my walking time my time in my own mind. I have enjoyed the outdoors alone -- fishing, hiking, exploring. One of my most pleasant memories was being on a Kansas lake at dawn alone, seeing the mist rise off the water, the sunrise, with ly radio playing classical music in the background seeing the wildlife. That is a memory that is mine alone, and I cherish it.

@VictoriaNotes Early mornings are a special time to be alone.


This one is going to sound weird because it is weird, but I enjoy taking a long hot shower in the dark while nobody is home and the only thing I can hear is the sound of the water.

Not weird, I want to try a sensory deprivation tank for a similar reason. I feel perhaps my own thoughts are influenced by even just the sounds of traffic and white noise around me. Come to think of it, short of that is anyone ever really alone?


Step 8 ) Talk to Yourself, reminds me of a quote I love

George Carlin — 'The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept.'

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