How do you deal with things that you don't agree with?
How do you not take it personal when someone makes a statement that might include you (and it's not flattering)?
I have seen more crazy responses as I have spent more time on this forum. I feel like people are taking things too personal. That sometimes we forget that comments made are from that person's point of view and not yours.
I think what we also need is to take the emotion out of any statement, ask for clarification and let it go if you still cannot react without being a jerk.
Just my 2 cents!
I've blocked one person because I couldn't be bothered to argue but I've blocked loads on facebook. I'm selfishly here for what I want and I have broad shoulders. I have nothing to hide and say what I mean and mean what I say.
Is circumcision of baby boys a "hot button ? " I don't know any Atheist defending muslim sexual mutilation of girls ....but too many people brutally enable the excruciating amputation of 4 square inches of prepuce flesh. ...worse are the mohel defenders calling baby advocates anti-semitites. ..OK there ya go pals put our Atheist evidence based principles into action here
Reparte' .....brevity soul of wit .....farting out opinions is not funny boys ....girls don't be coy ....women and men here are building community DATING giving love ....all else flush
I completely agree. One of my favorite sayings is that "Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one, and they all stink." What we are doing here 99% of the time, is giving opinions. Opinions are opinions, and they either jive with facts, or they don't. If I give an opinion you don't like, show me evidence I'm wrong and I'll change my mind. Try to shove your opinion down my throat, and I'll politely tell you to go f** yourself. And when I say evidence, I mean solid, irrefutable evidence, same as I would require of a theist trying to "save" me.
I no longer have to remind myself that 19 out of every 20 people I come across do not have the emotional maturity to handle disagreement over a hot button issue in a way I find acceptable. So I watch them blow their stack or get nasty and I add them to my mental checklist of people to avoid.
I don't take their immaturity personally. I'm not their momma. And I don't judge them. I didn't create the human race; it's not up to me how people act. If 95% of them are heinously petty in my eyes, that's my problem.
I deal with it by letting people be themselves and then deciding from there how much I want to have to do with them.
Edited to add: 95% heinous is meatspace; here it's the inverse.
I don't know if I am getting desensitized or things are more toned down here than when I first signed on. If someone keeps bothering me by what they write ( I don't think anyone has deliberately picked on me) then I just change the channel.I follow more people that I like and if I find myself boiling I move on or block them. Communicating by text alone is hard. Sometimes the layers of misinterpretation are so great it may not be important to try to tease them apart
I think heat in the pot brings up the juice. Measured response is rarely our real feelings. That's how we hide what we think. I think so long as we aren't just calling names at each other, all is good. I hope people push my buttons so I know those buttons are there and can analyze and see where those buttons lead.