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Simulation Hypothesis...

For people who aren't woke like that: Simulation hypothesis is the idea that our reality is a simulation. We are something else's movie, book, or video game. Our universe is made on the equivalent of a computer by a being that is on a "higher" tier of existence. Any notion of "god" we have is somewhat correct when it comes to deeming this creature as our creator and modder. Our universe may or may not have exploratory purpose, even if it's the control variable in an experiment that involves multiple universes/realities. I don't put too much stock in it, I'm just fascinated by the idea that, basically, our lives and meanings are infinitesimally more insignificant than we originally thought. I don't care for it mainly because it's so uncreative if it is a simulation. Like, where are all the dragons?
I wrote a poem-rant about this once. I like to imagine that our creator's name is GLumkYuR. And It is kind of like a high schooler (but their version) and Glummy stayed up all night to make this universe the day before it was due. This is why there are no other intelligent species, stars burn out or become black holes, and space time expansion is exponentially accelerating - at least it's hyperbolic, am I right? It's t-minus 3 hours to presentation, GlummY is still asleep, that's why we haven't heard from It in a while, and we all hope that the universe doesn't go "dark" before It has a chance to present us at the science fair (as the equivalent of a paper mache volcano). Next to AlKunYarR, who always does a better job than Glummy. But they end up together when they grow up, "Yeah, remember you used to always beat me at those universe models every year." And they both laugh and have the equivalent of intimate relationships thereafter.
Anyways, it's kind of like that Rick and Morty episode where his ship is powered by tiny creatures, and in turn their city is powered by tinier creatures. I take it a step further: I imagine that, in the future, we will create simulations which will create simulations which will inevitably create US as a simulation. All of this right before the real universe dies so that, within the time dilation framework of computer circuitry, a billion years here can mean a second in the real universe and we are, in essence, the last seconds of a dying civilization prolonged by the contracted time-frame of our simulated universes.
What am I smoking? Trace amounts of uranium deposits that can be found several feet under a few homes in the United States. Any thoughts?

FuckReligion 6 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Sim. Hyp. logical argument: []
Add'l evidence: the future determines the past []
Really though, it doesn't matter if we're sims unless we find out how to hack the simulation.


This thought (that was also used in The Matrix) can be traced all the way back to "The Allegory of the Cave" by Plato; it's been around a while 😉


Yes, what are you smoking? Got any to pass around?

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