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Morning person or not?

I’m a morning person. I feel like I’m in the minority.

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PhitDoctor50 7 Jan 27

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I haven't slept late since basic training and that was in 1975


Mornings for the most part.


The only way that I can handle mornings is on MY terms. NO jumping through anyone else's hoops, no rushing around. I deeply resent that social convention demands that most have to start their day early, regardless of his or her circadian rhythm.

Zster Level 8 Jan 28, 2018

I tend to be a night owl, so mornings are my enemy!!


100% not a morning person, though I'm forced to for work! I don't have to be at work until 7:30 AM, but I wake up at 5 AM because I need to mentally prepare myself to deal with my co-workers!

The joy of retirement is freedom from religious nuts @ work

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