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My friend has a trophy wife. I don't think it was 1st place.

JayFlight 5 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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You know, now days everybody gets a trophy for participant... that's my final answer. I remember during Navy bootcamp. Guys saw me drawing my GF on a letter... I started every letter to her with a poem and a drawing from her pictures maybe adding tears. So guys wanted me to do the same, I charged 10 bucks for drawing on 1980. Everybody had their H.S. sweetheart pic... eventually of course came this guy with his wife... not pleasant on the eye, I had only drawn human beauty until that moment in my life. I postponed it as much I could. But I learned to focus while disregarding certain features. It was a test because I couldn't draw what I was seeing so I have to see her through his eyes... I asked him to describe her to me, even with her picture in front of me. I learned to see her in a different light. After that I knew something new about me so I said to myself... Damn Hector You can do Anything!

@MrLizard great minds think alike.


@JayFlight short hand for I'm laughing to death


Depends on what the contest was..



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