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Are aliens among us?

I am of the opinion that aliens most certainly exist (to big a universe to think otherwise), but if they were here, their technology would certainly be sufficient that if they didn't want us to know, we wouldn't, and if instead they wanted us to know, no government could keep a lid on it. I got an Aunt who FIRMLY believes in God, and also that we have aliens around, Roswell, etc. She's, however, a doctoral level educated woman in a prominent position in the health care industry. I think both beliefs are a case of "what you WANT to believe". I need raw data, repeatable results etc, lest I start believing in dragons, too. Your mileage may have varied so...what do you believe? And why?

ravnostic 6 Jan 27

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It’s highly probable that life exists elsewhere in he universe. That’s really all that can be said on the subject.


Of course aliens live amongst us ... I know loads of Polish people ,.


All you have to do is have a real close up look at Insects. I mean , a real close look.

Have you seen a picture of a baby blue heron? Dinosaurs live among us, also.

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