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LINK How gender and power played into the Kavanaugh testimonies | PBS NewsHour

The differences in how a woman can behave as opposed to what's accepted and expected in male behavior.

Pamscwf1 7 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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He was a whiner


...the blame it on the males synerios wears thin, with me.. Women have had the vote for long? And, there are more women than men. What are they waiting for?

Varn Level 8 Sep 29, 2018

1790- All white property owning men.
1920 - women's right to vote.
I think women are making progress. I'm sorry it's not quick enough for you. (See how I've been conditioned to apologize for not agreeing with a male, My adult daughter's were not and their generation and beyond will excel the process)

@Pamscwf1 My daughters were raised by their dad. I’ve witnessed their apprehension, but they’ve less concern for what others think than most. My point was, who voted for the despicable (republican) men currently, or previously in charge? Not me.

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