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QUESTION GOP Congressman: Jesus Says Poor People Don’t Want Health Care

  1. I don't think this guy consulted any poor people bout this.
  2. I don't think this guy has actually read what Jesus supposedly said in the bible.
snytiger6 9 Jan 28

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If Jesus is God, then this congressman says he can hear God talking to him. I believe that earns him a new jacket and a room on the fifth floor, lock-down section. Must have a doctor's note to return to the office.


Roger is a knowing, damnable liar.


How the hell do you get from 'the poor will always be with us...' to well their poor so 'they' don't have any desire for health care! So much for compassionate conservatism. 😟


I'm disabled. I'm poor - and I vote. And it wasn't for the dick in the White House. Also when I got to the polls my voter registration had been pulled. I've voted here for 16 years! Yup that was fun to straighten out. Somehow someone changing their car registration came up as my having moved. Sound suspicious? Yes it was.

Where you able to get it worked out?

@Donna_I Yes I was able to register with what I had on me for proof. It was fascinating in retrospect when the whole Russia thing came out.

@RavenCT I am glad it worked out for you!

I see it as suspicious. Unless the person who changed their car registration had the car registered previously at your address, I cannot see how they woudl think you moved.

Starting in the 2000 election, Republicans have been purging voter rolls of likely democrat voters.

The purge helped Bush win in 2000. Although the AP (Associated Press) did their own count and found that ore actually had the most votes in Florida. Unfortunately they published their findings on September 12th, 2001, the day after the 9-11 attacks, so it was mostly unnoticed. Those who did notice thought it unwise to point out that Bush did not actually win (and not lot legitimately president) after the attacks.

@snytiger6 You hit it on the nose. One family lived here before me and it wasn't them. They also had written in the correct address (not mine). I initially thought "Identify theft". But was told it was a screw up at the registry. Very very creepy.


Judging by the way most poor people vote, and by the number that don't bother to vote. He might have a point.

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