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Do we accomplish anything on this site besides express our opinions? Are these opinions really helpful to anyone besides giving some people comfort?

Marine 8 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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That isn't the point is it? For people where the fast majority are religious, its good to have a place to feel safe. I enjoy dropping in here.


I guess the question is, what do you want to accomplish? I personally want a place where I can connect with people, as a community. I was hoping that this site will lead to a more “in person” Community. But that remains to be seen.


I try to educate as well. Just found article about demographic changes and posted that.


What is it you think we should accomplish here?


I have like so many others expressed my opinions many times over but this morning I was wondering what good has come out of this? Am I just relieving some of my frustrations? Have I really changed anyones mind or added any knowledge to anyone? I can't answer these questions but wonder if I am just wasting my time and accomplishing nothing worthwhile? Your input would be appreciated.

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