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Do we think the Democrats will take a different approach to the government if they win the election?As much as I dislike giving trump credit his tariffs seem to have resulted in better trading positions with Europe ,Mexico and Canada.He will taunt the rising GDP and stock market as his accomplishment? Will his failures in picking his cabinet and adding department heads with the purpose of destroying the departments they headed be enough to defeat him in 2020?

Marine 8 Oct 1

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That’s a lot of Q’s… trump is riding the Obama Recovery. His negotiations with our neighbors are near identical to what the Obama Administration had ... but had not held a gun to their heads to achieve. China is what will blow up, and not even his idiot followers will be willing to ride out the hardships we’ll endure from that.

The US has no long-term staying power, it’s policies jerk with administration and congressional changes. We do not ‘stay the course,’ can not be counted upon, and will be surpassed by those who can..

The lack of administrative heads is something that’s not widely discussed, it would be top news ..if it weren’t for trump’s constant unpresidential antics.

The nation, along with the world is already burnt out on him. Wait until the economic slowdown begins. If nothing else, it’s cyclical, and the deeper the recession/ depression, the longer the recovery, but he’s giving all he’s got to break it 😕

Varn Level 8 Oct 1, 2018

His trading positions are doing nothing but paying lip service to his base so far. The farmers have had to take massive bail outs because of his tariffs. America debt continues to skyrocket despite his claims to an amazing economy. Wages for the middle class have not risen and interest rates are going up again. We continue to borrow foreign money to pay for his tax cuts to the rich.


I personally fear that he will beat the investigation and be re-elected in 2020 using the connections and money of the Koch brothers and others to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.

Fool us once, shame on you… I don’t see it, the smidgen ‘in the middle’ that allowed him to slither in is not as dumb as his shrinking base..

@Varn I hope you are correct.

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