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What do you eat?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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There should be a 'vegetables' option to go with the meats, although I suppose that 'Omnivore' works. I eat more vegetables than meat now, but definitely not a vegetarian (not implying there's anything wrong with being a vegetarian. I've enjoyed some vegan food and would do so again).


I don't care what's for dinner. As long as it's good, nothing strange like a worm platter.


i eat only real food (that means no cola, no twinkies) because i only like real food, and there is some real food i don't eat. i eat celery only grudgingly, when it's too difficult to extract it from a larger dish. i do not eat anything with which an animal thinks or makes love. i have to watch my carbs due to my diabetes; sometimes i'm good and sometimes i'm less good.



Dude. Stop with the options. Put the food on the plate and go away.


I can call myself none of these... I don't really eat meat (except a very occasional piece of bacon) because I don't like the texture- I'm crazy weird about textures! I'll make beef stew and eat it but pick out the chunks of meat. See?? Weird!!

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