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Which religion did you follow/attend before?

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Admin 9 Jan 29

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As a child, I attended Penticostal, Prebsbyterian, and Jewish places of worship, As an Adult, I attended Unitarian


I was Wiccan for over 30 years...then shifted to just Buddhism practice and philosophy.

I am an Atheist Buddhist now....
So Wiccan before....and Buddhist now....doesn't fit neatly into your poll....




Born atheists, stayed atheist even with the onslaught of religious rhetoric throughout my life.


I live in the heart of the Bible Belt


I went to sunday school ( church of Scotland) every sunday until the age of 15 and then to church until I left home at 16. I didn't realise at the time but the teachings went right over my head and had no impression on me so when in later life I took an interest in religion I could do so disspationately without any "baggage". I have met people who call themseves "recovering catholics" so I consider myself fortunate. Maybe there should be a group like alcoholics anonymous to help them ?.


There should be the option for more than one previous religion


Presbyterian. Stuffy, but convenient. Enjoyed arguing about double predestination.

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