One of my scientific quests is to convince IANA the importance of renaming our 7th planet. All of our planets except #7 are after Roman gods. The Roman name for #7 is Caelus.
Planet 7 is rich with scientific intrigue and mystery. It's completely on its side. That means north and south are literally where east and west should be.
Planet 7 has rings and moons.
Planet 7 makes grown men "tee hee" like 8 year olds because in the 17th century, nobody could have foreseen how its name would be synonymous with the human exit door. And for this reason it is often overlooked for funding.
IMHO -- and also NewsGuard, sci-techuniverse is the epitome of fake news.
No, it didn't! I swear I'm still a virgin! (See, I proved your point!)
Somebody was passing around some 'wacky weed' when writing this article and title.
Will the January 2018 Supermoon occlude our view of Uranus!