The US is said to be the land of free sex. Consenting adults are at liberty to engage in sex unlike in many other countries. Also, there are women out there who offer sex for money or for free. Yet many cases of rape and molestation are reported from the States. I am at a loss to understand why this happens!
Part of the issue is that a lot of men in the United States have no idea how to approach a woman whom they are interested in. Nobody shows them how to properly do it when they are adolescents, so they wind up going one of two directions as they reach their formidable years: They become far too timid and remain alone or they become far too aggressive and begin to engage in inappropriate sexual conduct.
I'm not sure how we go about changing this flaw in our system other than to shift the culture surrounding how we talk to our young men about sex and the rules of attraction. It's not enough to simply say, "don't rape women". As with any other bad behavior, a better option towards achieving ones goal must be presented in order that the individual might travel a more constructive avenue towards their desired outcome. If not, then the perpetrator does not change. They simply become smarter in engaging in their nefarious activities.
I disagree with the OP's assessment that the United States is "the land of free sex". While it may be technically legal to engage in consentual sex with anyone whom the individual so chooses, just because it says so on a piece of paper doesn't make it true. The United States is one of the most puritanical, uptight countries in the world when it comes to human sexuality. When one travels to other countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America, this becomes laughably, glaringly obvious.
As a result of our puritanical background when it comes to human sexuality, far too many men either remain virgins until they reach their 30's or 40's when they finally procure the services of a sex worker or they attempt to gain power and control over something which they don't fully understand through aggressive, inappropriate behavior.
We've become so exceedingly poor at addressing the issues of human sexuality, the laws of attraction and the "how to's" of approaching women that many of the men who are the direct result of this failure now hold some of the most influential offices in our country. Tales of their sexual misconduct fill our headlines daily. To make matters worse, we now have a significant segment of the population which actually believes, and will argue that such behavior is perfectly normal.
We simply must do a better job in this regard. If we don't, things won't change. In fact, they will only continue to grow worse. All of the #MeToo Movements in the world accomplish absolutely nothing if the core motivations which lead to their creation are not addressed. Simply stating that the problem of sexual misconduct exists without facing up to why and creating a constructive resolution which benefits all accomplishes nothing.
That was a detailed discussion. Thank you
Wow...this comment is from (allegedly) someone in India. I must clarify, I do not support rape by any means but messages like this have other intent. Wake up people, check sources and you will find intent. Just for kicks Google rape in India. This type of postings are getting ridiculous !!!!!!
Our reported rapes per 100,000K is much higher than that of India. Of course, that could just mean that more people here report, but he is certainly within his right to cast that stone.
No sir. I have no intent. What I said was on the basis of reports that I've read. I never said there was no rapes in India. In India, premarital sex is taboo. There are many restrictions on sex in India, but no such restrictions in the US. Still many cases of rape are reported. My question was that despite no restrictions on sex why it happens in the US
@IamNobody I suspect because the majority of people who post on here are from the US.
I am from the UK and most of what we hear about the US reported in the media focusses on the negatives (good news rarely makes decent media coverage) so this site helps build a different picture to what we see in the press.
@Uncorrugated I understand and appreciate your comment. My only issue here is that I wouldn't post something skewed towards a specific country I don't even live in. If I don't do that then that's my choice and responsibility but, that being said, I don't have to bypass this one just because I don't agree. Anyhow, male and female issues have been around since cave man and will continue to do so in every place in the whole world. Why emphasize one country in particular? That's my thought process, that's all.
From what I've read and heard, I understand that in the US people have much more personal liberty compared to many other countries. Also, the US is well known for its good governance, technological and cultural advancements. You have a very good policing system in place. Yet, I was wondering, why rapes are reported even in such a great country.
Rape is about power, control and violence. It's not about sex.
I agree with you completely.
You hit the nail right on the head.
Until we can get rid of toxic masculinity,
It won't be over.