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Take me to church?

If you are a non-believer, and you have a friend or family member ask you to attend a service, for whatever reason, do you still attend?

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Look4AJourney 5 Oct 7

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Depending on who ask and why, I might go. I figured I can always zone out or fall asleep.


Yes, for weddings and funerals.


My wife is a Christian and I've gone just to support her.


I did do this a long time ago, but I'm against it these days.


In the early 90's l went to an Episcopal Church during a visit with my inlaws. I was curious, so l went. It was my first time in a church for a Sunday service since l in-laws. It seemed to be more about ritual and ceremony than anything. That took up forty minutes. That left twenty for the sermon, which didn't have anything to do with scripture. He just spoke about dealing with everyday life. It was OK. He should have reversed the 40/20 thing.


Ain't happening . If u r a friend of mine , ( family is not a problem , we are all Satans ?) that means u know me well and we care for ea other . Nobody of my friends will ever ask me that , they know better , and , they won't ever ask such thing no matter of reason . My friends are nice people very considering of others instead of selves .


Most folks know I'm an atheist and few would ask me except for unusual circumstances such as a wedding or a funeral and so with that in mind I would go for them.

gearl Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

Unless it's for a wedding, funeral, work or business I'll tell them I have no desire to ever step foot in a church again.


Probably would because I trust them?


I visited my mother and sister, out of state recently. I went church ... although some of it was cringe worthy, it wasn't extremely unpleasant. I enjoyed the time that I spent with my family and some of the singers were quite talented... although, not on par with Five Finger Death Punch lol. I'm still an atheist and my mom knows that but she was still happy that I went with her.


I have attended for various reasons, here they are and the result/my observations.

When I was a child, I would go to church with family members who were religious if I stayed over a weekend at their house. Most of my family does not go to church, but I went a few times with my aunt and with the family of a more distant cousin with whom I got along pretty well. I found church at this age to be pretty boring, and once got sick while there. The holy water my uncle sprinkled on me did no good. I also attended some form of Sunday school with my cousin. It was rather dull and I asked too many questions to which they had no good answers.

Later on, my family and I were invited to church by the same distant cousins for a church picnic. We had to sit through the service first, which consisted mostly of repetitive and overly submissive music about just how great and wonderful God is and how they are absolutely dedicated to him. My younger brother complained and covered his ears, but I managed to deal with it until picnic time. The food was bad and they left the kids' bouncy castle unattended, resulting in my having to stand around policing strange children as well as my little brother. You'd think a church of that size, likely getting quite a lot of donations, would be able to fund both good food and a person to ensure the safety of the children in attendance.

I've attended for weddings, but those were just long and boring.

I've also attended for funerals, which was only interesting enough to specifically mention on one occasion. A distant relative on my mother's side had died, and so my mother and I went to the funeral. The service was shocking, as very little was said about the deceased person in question herself; just a little bit by her children and those closest to her. What followed was a good few hours about her involvement in church, songs and speeches about a strange religious longing for death that had apparently been answered in the case of this dead relative, and the bold faced use of this dead lady's memory in order to recruit more people to their church and ideas. It was disturbing mostly for the erasure of the individual for whom the funeral was held and the strangely positive, almost eager attitude towards death.


I went for an ex girl friend because her mom wanted me too . I't didn't work anyway so it was kind of waste of time also I had ear phones on listing to my chemical romace .


I have in the past, but can't see myself attending some of these things in the future. I want very badly to stand and start asking questions about thre ridiculous crap they are saying out loud during mass.


Thanks, all, for the comments! I had a moment today where I was attending a mass for this reason and I was curious how you all would respond. It's an interesting breakdown, and I've been happy to read all these responses!


Weddings and funerals

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