Great sex all the way! If I want to feel loved I'll get a puppy or buy my kids a new video game.
I have to just pick one? I'd like to be an overachiever and choose both!!
Feeling loved usually leads to great sex.
Yep this is true..
sex is just one facet of a loving relationship.
Love. Sex may diminish over time in a marriage but love has the potential not to .
In my case sex never stopped being great. Even my last night before leaving for good to Germany. Love was already gone... good sex, always good sex. We grew together into it. Love didn't survived, sex did.
Feeling loved over great sex. If you don't feel loved harder to have good sex.
If I don't get great sex I am not feeling loved.
I think that to many people think sex should always feel great if it is with someone they love. But let's be realistic. I know that if I'm not in the mood to have sex, I would sometimes still have sex with my ex if she wanted. Sometimes she would do it for me too. But when either of us were not actually into it at that moment, it was not as good as the times both of us were. But knowing that we were willing to please each other was always a great feeling. I think that sex is an important part of a relationship. It should feel great. But that great feeling might not always come from great sex. It might come from knowing that your partner cares enough for you to perform even if they are not in the mood. And I know that when I was not in the mood, it made me feel got to know I loved her enough to do it for her. With that said, neither of us ever got upset when the other said no. We both knew that if the other was saying no, it was not because of a lack of love or interest. She struggled (and still does) with depression. Sometimes her depression lowered her sex drive. We would go weeks without sex sometimes. And I'll tell you this, I always felt way better about helping her through those times than I ever did having sex with her. I also have anxiety problems. If I turned her down because of them, she did the same for me as I did for her. It made me feel good to have someone I cared for caring for me. The sex was nowhere near as important as the love and respect we shared for each other. So, in my opinion, love is more important than great sex in a serious relationship. But sex, weather it's great or not can help show that love.
@EllenDale We are no longer together. For a long time she was bisexual. After 11 years of of being together, she did some self reflection and came to the realization that she is gay. We are now just roommates. We have separate rooms. I'm not going to lie, the loss hurt a lot. But we are still friends and I support her and am glad she can be who she is.
Feeling and receiving love leads to all points for me. I definitely identify this as one of my needs. Finding someone to give love is much harder for me. So into the mirror I stare, starting there
Sex is very important but I was willing to do without because of so many other amazing qualities in my partner. But since then she has become stuck and emotionally unhealthy in too many other ways and 3+ yrs. of waiting for her and trying to get her to change is enough. Now this 10+ yrs. of celibacy has made me feel like a 16 year old boy desperate to get laid!
Americans are great ones for multiple choice - pick one! Black & white - yes or no - developed adult life is a combining of things. Why should or would one have to pick one of these over the other? There is no reason to not have both!
Yeah, I agree with the majority of these comments. Obviously, ideally both. And yes, usually great sex requires deep love. The reason I asked, though, is that I've found myself in the odd / rare position of having to choose. It's a very difficult choice and I'm not sure I will make the right decision. Hence the request for insight. Thanks for all the responses.
Younger people are more likely to go for mindless sex. Older people are more likely to accept and enjoy sexless love. And of course, there is everything in between.
Feeling loved, rare, yet sex is always great, yes?
Feeling loved, but then I'm getting great sex as well.(Not gloating, much)
Good grief. This question surprised me. My reaction to it surprised me even more. gads I am older than I ever thought I would be.
Everyone is different of course but without sex I'm useless. I currently have a sexual relationship where I care for him a great deal, but wouldn't call it "love". My marriage had love but no sex. So yeah, I got divorced. I guess that makes my answer sex. For now.