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State of the Union Address, anyone?

Is anyone subjecting themselves to DJT's SOTU Address? I've got, in addition to popcorn, my toilet paper, lighter, cards, water pistol, and newspaper ready! (Extra points given if you indentify what cult film these props are from. Hint: remember, I'm in my 50s. This film had everyone dancing at midnight in most venues, sometimes dressed in drag.)

BookDeath 8 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I've got stuff on the DVR. That and a nice cup of hot cocoa are awaiting me tonight.


I refuse to listen to the idiot Trump. But, I will listen to the critique of his egomaniacal speech.


I'll watch a while till I throw up and my wife is screaming at me to clean up the mess.

gearl Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

Nope. Not gonna happen.


Rocky Horror! Maybe with all those props I could make it through - but I doubt it.


No, Trump was elected by the electoral college and lost the popular vote I will not be watching that dumpster fire; and besides I work tonight.


Maybe if I turned it into a drinking game I would consider it. Like whenever the narcissistic orange overlord told us how smart ,brilliant and how much of a smashing success his presidency has been so far I'd take a shot. On second thought that would be way too dangerous! So my answer is no ,I will not be watching. Is the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show?

Ah like playing "Captain" while watching Star Trek (TOS). I applaud this thought.


I'll see clips of it on YouTube.

Gohan Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

I have never been interested in ANY president's state of the union address. I vote in every election and that is all I can do. I feel that once a president is elected and in office, there is little else I can do but smile or frown, as the case may be, and go with the flow until the next election. (IMHO)


Uh... that would be a resounding NO. I want to ENJOY my evening !

Plus - it will be analyzed to death the next day , and I can hear about it then without having to watch his anus-like mouth.


I havent watched it in a decade, honestly don't think I am missing much. Enjoy


Just can’t. Makes me sick


I remember taking a jump to the left, then a step to the right...


I'm going to listen to it on NPR, I just can't watch.


On vacation - taping it - will watch it to be informed

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