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QUESTION The 'Underground Railroad' To Save Atheists - The Atlantic

After one student was murdered, officials began to investigate the dead guy to see if he had written anything worth killing him over.”

When faced with these threats, many people are understandably reluctant to admit their religious doubts even to their closest confidants, making it difficult to gauge how widespread atheism actually is around the world. But there are signs that the numbers of atheists are sizable. A 2012 Win/Gallup International Poll, for instance, found that 19 percent of people in Saudi Arabia claimed not to be religious, with 5 percent identifying as convinced atheists—roughly the same proportion as in the U.S. That’s a surprisingly high number given the difficulties of exploring non-religious thought in this country, and the true figure may be greater; even if their responses remain anonymous, many non-believers may still have been reluctant to declare their religious doubts openly.

zblaze 7 Jan 30

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It's just not worth it. There is nothing to be gained and much that could be lost. You never know how someone is going to react until you tell them and then it's to late.
The stories are so dumb I don't see how people can believe them:
Noah's Ark- just to get the United States underwater you would have to raise the water level 3 miles over the entire planet. Nat Geo did a study and found out if you melt everything on the whole planet the water level would raise 216ft.
Adam and Eve- after a few generations you would have children with arms sticking out of the top of their heads.

What is "not worth it" Mike? An underground railroad to save atheists???

Agreed that Buybull stories are dumb, but what does that have to do with this article?

@zblaze I was talking about telling people I am atheist.

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