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Conservative Atheist? Liberal Christian? Does a belief, or lack of belief, really impact your politics?

It's true that most Christians tend to vote conservative and that most atheists are left leaning... but that's not always the case.

Gay Christian Republicans fighting against immigration, Pentecostal Liberals claiming the risen Jesus and voting blue consistently, Atheist Social Conservatives fighting Roe vs. Wade and cheering president Trump

How much does your belief, or lack of a belief, in a God really effect your worldview?

  • 6 votes
  • 5 votes
FlyingSpaghetti 3 Oct 9

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Being an Atheist I certainly don’t want every move this country makes dictated by religion. Religion is misogynistic as is the right wing. To repeatedly ignore thier own leaders attacks on women as “locker room talk” is disgusting. To think that locking up children is ever ok is abhorrent. To make this country a laughing stock to the rest of the world as you claim it’s the richest and the economy is booming but you have a opioid problem and millions without healthcare. Yet, you are trying to strip more protections for those most vulnerable. Ok, I’m done


My lack of a belief has no impact, because I pay attention to facts rather than disregarding them whenever they fail to assist in my personal agenda.

Gohan Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

i think it must, but people do not always act in their own best interest. i don't know why anyone with a vagina would vote for someone who wants to control it for her. i don't know why anyone who isn't a born-again christian would want a government telling everyone they have to follow the rules that apply only to born-again christians. i don't know why any gay person would vote for homophobes.


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