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“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.” - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Photo taken by me.
On top of Cowrock on the Appalachian Trail.

Matty_Wander 4 Jan 31

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Check out the group.. "Sun Moon Stars" Group


What I want is to actually move from where I am. I have always been here. Im nt accepted in the town I live in so that is why my dream is to leave. I don't thin I ever will because im am to afraid of people. As for love...If I know that the guy im wanting is an honest person, I would do anything for love. Love is hard to find for someone like me so if I could ever find someone not afraid of me, I would go for it


Done Appalachian Trail parts in New England. I took a risk when I traveled cross country to meet someone on this site. I've always been a risk taker.

Risk takers get stuff done!


Grandmother said... I've been on my own since age 12. Why stopping now?

Just keep on going!

@Matty_Wander we have to... until we die... I wrote songs, do music... for me... My wife calls me the greatest underachiever of all times because a man with an ounce of ambition will be somewhere else. I had some opportunities and I didn't cared.


I've done day and overnight hikes on the Appalachian Trail, near Gatlinburg, TN.

My backpack was half my weight, my hiking boots blistered my feet, the backpack dug into my bones, the weight of the backpack made my knees buckle.

I was so annoyed I went home and invented a device that gives me the four-footed advantage. I can lope like a wolf at a jogging pace for hours on steep, stony trails, even with a heavy backpack, with little effort.

But as for a life of adventure, I've always lived one of those.
I grew up in Haiti, I've lived all over the US, I taught in Hermosillo, Mexico, for a semester in 2001, have been teaching in Thailand since 2010, for the great bird photography.

When I lived at my family farm near Morehead, KY, I camped outside in a screen tent year around, to keep track of meteor showers and night birds. A pet black jaguar kitten that apparently grew too large and dangerous and was turned loose, used to hang around on my large, wooded, hill farm. Later, he grew old enough to maintain a territory so only was around for several days at a time every few weeks or so.

It would come around where the tent was, out by the horse pasture, purring so loudly he shook the tent, leaving his giant tracks everywhere, scat, and scrapes on the trees. I miss him now.

I also rode and drove horses year around, no matter the weather. In winter, we'd use the horses for skijoring, etc.

I'm an extreme birder..I actually move to countries to take photos, and here in Thailand I climb cliffs, wade swamps, hike through jungles to photograph hornbills, snakes, and wild elephants, and have seen many fantastic things and had many adventures!

My "car" here in Thailand has been my motorbike.

But I'm now 65 yrs old, so can't teach in Thailand now, according to new Thai foreign teacher laws.

Wow! Thank you for sharing your awesome adventures! I hope to one day just live my life like that too!


OH MY GAWD!!! That is my most favorite poem ever ever ever ever!!!

And, I think that is my favorite part of it!

I don't like cheesy words on walls (think Love, Live, Laugh -- that kind of stuff), but I HAVE looked to see if I could find The Invitation printed, framed or something. Very cool, Matty!

Glad you liked it! I hope others see value in it too.


Never hiked the length of the trail, but I have spent many a day hiking/camping all the area here in N Ga., NC! Everyone, should spent some time in the wilderness! Loved the quote!


a long walk I would like to take

I’d recommend it greatly! Best 5 1/2 months of life to date.

@Matty_Wander my cousin and his wife walked the whole thing last summer


I seized the moment by getting double points for first response!


Carpe Diem


I always risk looking like a fool, and sadly, often end up feeling one too - but that's love and hope - they are cruel mistresses. I am a sucker for a pretty girl who needs help and is stuck in a bad relationship but that means I am a great shoulder to cry on and hear the most heart breaking stories but never seem to get the love I yearn for. I keep dreaming though 🙂

You have entered the "friend zone".

Me thinks you know your own problem! Doesn't a 'savior' always try to help set things straight, so the 'savee'...can GET ON their way? On the other side of that coin, are you looking to be saved from something? When people are strong enough, don't they set out for new horizons? Just cking...

Yes, I have thought about my lot enough to understand my weaknesses and (I hope) my strengths. I'm trying hard to get out of the rut, while still supporting my friends, as a good friend should. But I find that I need to know a girl a little before I really feel something for her and ask her on a date ... and by then many of them have just labelled me as a friend.

@ChrisR ...and if they only knew...a friend will outlast romance (the fire of romance must be fed) in the long haul! Keep having fun, and the 'light' will come on...with the one you need! Best of luck...

Thanks @Freedompath ... with the particular girl in question I always knew that she would be a long-shot and it would take time if anything happened, but we are so similar in core values and life experiences that I just have to keep trying. We love each other dearly but she is attached to a thug and I'm the "rock" in her life. I'm not being a fool though - I'm still looking for love elsewhere too. I just don't get a lot of offers! 😉

@ChrisR ...and I think it is all in timing...when the time is right, things just fall into place!

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