This is both funny and sad....
donald trump is not mentioned in the bible. oh wait, it depends on which bible, right? the bible of my people doesn't mention him, only a special prosecutor whose title was ha-satan (the prosecutor). my understanding is that the christian bible mentions trump, not by name but clearly enough. i wonder how the warrior mom feels about that? hard to say, isn't it? but of course she mustn't drive or take public transportation because none of that is in anyone's bible. she'd better turn off her computer too.
“Ha-Satan” — Is that in the Book of Job? (Sorry: a “fine points” question, but I still find that literature interesting on several levels ...)
@genessa Hey: Proud of my guess! I think Job is unique in Jewish myth with the depiction of Satan as being in league with the diety, a partner of sorts, playing the D.A. god’s Defense Attorney. It’s an interesting view of life, and I think it resonates in many cultures. Borrowed from Mesopotamian myth, I think. (I am fascinated with folklore and myth, and see them as poetic ways of describing the world in ways that everyday lnguage just doesn’t. Taking these literally, however, is problematic ...).
@genessa It's my understanding that Satan and the "war in heaven" were adopted into lore when the Zoroastrians conquered the jews and adopted some of the folklore of the conquerors. Yahweh before becoming the one and only god was a part of a polytheist system where he was just a minor war god. Thus, the first of the ten commandments to put no other gods before him. I seem to recall there beign a dispute between his followers and and the followers of Bel El, Both names are still mentioned in the old testametn as the name of god.
Neither is pizza. Or penicillin. Or electricity. Or....
Anti-vaxxers are dangerous, uninformed morons. On one side you have your right wing conspiracy nut jobs. On the left, you have suburban moms throwing chicken pox parties and risking thier child’s lives. It’s completely bananas. I’ve given thousands of vaccinations in my 25 years of being an RN as I volunteer at vaccination clinics. I can count on one hand how many reactions I’ve seen.. and nothing even close to life threatening.