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Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria
Heartland Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. So far, despite the fact that thousands of “journalists” are in Paris covering the UN summit, virtually nothing has been reported by the press about the prestigious scientists and their conference. Also blacked out of the media has been the NIPCC report, in which scientists examined the peer-reviewed science and came to dramatically different conclusions from the UN IPCC. Heartland speakers noted that they often invite alarmist scientists to debate realists, but instead, the alarmist movement prefers to pretend that the “science is settled” rather than address the major holes in their theory. And at the latest summit, that was about as evident as it could be. Still, virtually everybody at the conference expressed hope that, eventually, truth and facts would prevail.


dc65 7 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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This website often publishes conspiracy theories and rumors along with valid news. This article is the view of the so-called "Alliance" -people who allegedly broke away from the "Cabal, " of New World Order Illuminati, according to many.

I just like to look at the other side of the different opinions about climate change and global warming because I don't think the science is very complete and needs more research. the Internet has gotten to such a state it is hard to tell reliable information from phony information. you can prove anything you want . climate change global warming has gotten out of hand. So much unreliable information and people are putting it out because they want to keep their funding and are making easy money by supporting governments I just don't know what to believe anymore. I prefer my own knowledge tells me CO2 cannot be causing global warming it is other human activities or just natural climate change which has been happening for millions of years. Eventually the data will show what is really happening.

@dc65 Oh, I agree. Just making sure you know it and don't mistake them for mainline news. I think they are overall more accurate than the official news.

@dc65 I follow the alleged secret government whistle blowers on YouTube, read their books, read their blogs, especially David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Simon Parkes. They talk about things I've also seen with my own eyes, so don't believe the official government news. I read and listen, then sit back and think about it. I don't know what's true or not, but I do know the government routinely lies and blocks inventions that would allow natural healing of cancer, green energy etc.

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