Perhaps the ? Means that they want to know what you are smiling about.
Thanks for posting this, was wondering earlier today if it used the text conversion but never tried it. .
I have to admit, I'm OG so I don't even think about them usually.
I get emojis when I do a " )" quite often!
That was supposed to be (& I typed) a ). But it's happened to me even without the """'s there.
also look in the FAQs, there are many other emojis shown there.
Go to FAQs, at the bottom it has the list.
Thank you.
Testing: no need for today, it's
It worked
i tried on my phone and they turned into question marks on my laptop so I deleted. weird. wonder why?
Use a colon : and a right parenthesis or upper case zero. so : )
Thank you!
@EmeraldJewel My pleasure!