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Does anyone know of any good debates between Catholics and Atheists?

I'm looking for something I can leave on in the background while I do something else.

Sheitelhau 5 Jan 31

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I wouldn't is subjective.


Look up debates involving Hitchens, Dawkins, or Dillahunty. They all know their stuff and how to explain it rationally and logically. Their opponents, not so much.


YouTube Hitchens Debate Catholic Church. You'll find one of the best Intelligence squared debates ever. Hitchens and Fry take on the Catholic Church.

I agree. This is the best I've seen.


YouTube Hitchens Debate Catholic Church. You'll find one of the best Intelligence squared debates ever. Hitchens and Fry take on the Catholic Church.


Hitchens and tony. Blair, hitchens and fry against the catholic church, he doesn't just win he slaughters them


You can always look up anything from Matt Dillahunty. He's always enjoyable to listen to and makes clear and strong arguments. He always tries to keep his cool and remain polite in spite of how much of an ass-hat some of his opponents can be.


This includes the always amazing Christopher Hitchens and is absolutely brilliant. Enjoy!


No such thing


Here's one you might like:


YouTube is lousy with them.

like facebook everyone can put everything they like within there idea of reason, not mine. there is my truth, your truth and the truth and they are very seldom the same.

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