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If You Are Like Me And Considering Your First Tattoo, Check This Out :-)

Now I Feel More Better About Getting One😉

twshield 8 Feb 1

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I have 11 getting more soon. Just be sure its something you want for the long haul. As for looking bad when older. As long as you care for them right they won't degrade much.


I have 8 tats and want more!
Even the ones that hurt, like my TARDIS, are worth it.
As far as fading and such, you can get a touch up.
My body is my canvas. I have a lot of canvas ????
Imho, if you want to do it, do it!
And age shouldn't stop you either.


I thought of getting it done in the past, I didn't get one. I even knew a tattoo artist back then.


I'll pass. Tattoos are not for me.


Tim, back slowly away from that tatoo artist

@twshield I don't know what you plan to have done but when I see formerly beautiful now old tatoos they never look as good. Aside from that I keep thinking about the young woman I saw about 20 years ago with flames tattoos coming out of the crack of her ass when she bent over. (not that that is your style) as a former nurse I am thinking of caring for her in a nursing home. Doesnt really matter but I wouldnt do it

@twshield yeah, arm sounds good


I'm to old

@Shellbell. I heard that..

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