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How many languages can you speak? Can you speak it fluently?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 1

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Just one lols


I used to speak three other languages fluently until I moved to The United States and stopped and only spoke English. Now I understand most of them when people speak slowly, and I can say a few things, but not fluent in any of them.


I’ve got some background in German and Spanish. Not very good with either, but better with Spanish, a lot of Spanish is spoken in my area.


One, English.


2, I lived in Colombia, SA for 5 years. Gave birth to my 1st kid down there.


Just English.


Do computer languages count?

dc65 Level 7 Feb 1, 2018

Hahah yes!


Just one - plus cycling terms in Dutch, a few words of French, a few more of German, slightly more of Yiddish, one or two of Hebrew and a handful of Welsh. I'd absolutely love to be able to master some other than English, but for some reason my brain refuses to learn languages.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 1, 2018

I'm still working on my English... that's it..dang it.

Don’t worry. Lol I don’t speak any other language, but English. Would love to learn other languages, but I think that takes talent.

@EmeraldJewel. Oh no. You said talent.... I'm missing tbat

@BucketlistBob lol

you do not speak English, you speak American. According to a friend from England, none of us in the United States speaks the queen's English.

@noworry28. Well ok.... thanks for that information.... I guess it's all changed since I was a kid.... I heard that in grade school and it stuck with me..... I accepted it seeing that a majority of our ancestors came from England.

@BucketlistBob People from England make fun of the way we speak. Lol.

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