And now tell me why yours failed?
We all need to be respected for who we are. If you need something from me, ask and if it is within my ability, I will provide it. If not, respect that refusal. I don't want to be you, nor visa versa! Common curtsy, goes along way and trust that you will keep your word goes even further! And when one party fails, it is not the end of the world and asap we should make smends! The rest is just work, fun and games! That is my ideal and I have been privy to some marriages like that. My marriages failed, because the first one came into being before I grew up...a child is ill equipped for marriage (even when that child thinks she is very grown up)!
Second time, underestimated the impact that alcoholism has on everybody, so I choose to save myself, after it was clear...that if I stayed, I would go down with the ship. End of those stories...
You Two has to Love each other in Equal Measure. Honesty is a no brainer. Mine failed because I liked Women too much... I still do. So when it ended It was not The End of the World for Me. I knew what I always had wanted.