There was a woman who worked with me before. She said her husband was in his 70s. He couldn't see well, but he'd roll down the windows when he drove so that he could hear when he was driving. She was worried his driver's license would be taken away... it was a big inconvenience, but she said he was good at navigating by hearing. :\ Now, this man obviously shouldn't be driving, but...
it makes me think
Is it discrimination to test for driving capability after a certain age? If it were to be tested, what kind of test should it be?
Some states just do vision tests. Should it be more thorough? Or, no test at all?
Absolutely. Where I live, it is imperative that one is able to turn to see what is beside and behind as you are driving. Yes. You have to have some agility to move quickly while driving.
Being 75, I think it would be a good idea to be checked. Hearing, seeing, and fully functional. My biggest pet peeve while driving is the race drivers who zip past going way over the speed limit, and also the ones who tailgate. And most of them certainly aren't old.
Again, simple answer for a complex issue. My 89 y/o aunt was nervous as are most people when they get older and bought an old tank of a car. Problem is she had trouble maneuvering it and every neighbor had a dent inn their car due to her. Complaints were made and she was retested and failed. Even though there was ample public transportation she got depressed so much so she was institutionalized. She went on a hunger strike and died.
Many places require vehicle testing. That has caused a lot of corruption and circumventing the law many states repealed it because it was unworkable. Some, as Wa. require a emissions test every 2 years and that is all. Here, in San Juan Island county there are no testing stations so no test is required, nada. If a cop cites you for a defective vehicle you have to get it fixed. Rural areas as ours don't have the congestion and issues with old drivers as the cities. Plus, with no public transportation driving can be critical.
I took my mom's car away from her because I did not want her to drive. She took a cab to my house early in the morning, and got in the car and drove it through the front porch of my neighbor's house. My brother, sister and I then took my mother's car keys away from her because she kept saying that she thinks that she will be better and will be able to drive soon. My cousin then came to Florida from New York, and took the car back with him Yes at a certain age they should be tested.
Yes. test, sight, hearing, reflexes, ability to concentrate... will they fall sleep after 30 mins in the wheel? And for the capability to vote too, now that you bring it up. But that is a matter for another day.
I think so. In fact, off the cuff, I would say starting at age 60, one should have to do it every 7 years. To me, the exam would be based on and scored on capabilities, not age, so I don't see that as discrimination.
Our reflexes, vision, hearing, memory, and other abilities required for safe driving, are prone to diminishing with age -- that is just a fact of life and is not something that would be addressed with a goal of being mean or discriminatory.
Absolutely! While I totally get how hard it is, especially in the US, where we are so in love with our cars and the freedom they bring, to potentially give that up, your safety, and the safety of others is more important than your personal freedom to drive about. We went through this with my dad. Even at his best, I didn't love riding with him. LOL! He couldn't seem to apply consistent pressure to the gas pedal. We lost him to pancreatic cancer at age 74 so he wasn't that old to begin with, but he declined rapidly in his final few years and his significant other ultimately mailed me the keys to his car to prevent him from driving because he was stuck in his delusion that he had it all under control. I think that more frequent, and harder, vision tests should be done from a certain age. Also, maybe a test in a simulator to test reflexes and awareness. It's discrimination. ANY test is a form of discrimination, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. =]
I think vision tests are sufficient, generally. In NYS, though, vision is checked only once every eight years when the license is up for renewal. That's a long time when someone can be almost blind and still legally drive. I wouldn't necessarily oppose periodic aptitude testing, except I think it's a huge waste of time in most cases and would be a logistical nightmare to do road tests for everyone on a staggered few-years cycle.
Sadly seniors at some age should be retested, but I think it will break their spirit if they fail. Many and perhaps most seniors highly value their independence, and they might struggle to thrive if they couldn't pass the driving test. I've lived mostly in rural areas, and many seniors live out of town, and many are in remarkable shape into their nineties. Every now and then I see a senior that I wonder about, especially when I am riding my motor cycle. However they test they need to screen for "kind" people to do the testing, and the test, and examiner should be on video.
@silvereyes True. This topic has been discussed for as long as there have been HWYs, and nothing has ever been done. It would be discriminatory to single them out if they have a good driving record, so they would have to test everyone. The expense, and inconvenience would not win anybody political points, so it is what it is.
I think it would avoid any possible 'discrimination' if there were some kind of periodic testing for everyone every few years. I passed my test in the UK about 40 years ago there have been huge changes in vehicles and technology since then as well as physical changes to me.
As a truck driver we do have to undergo periodic medicals and keep our licences updated. I think it should be the same for car and motorcycle users too.
And don't get me started about people using the fone while they drive....
So yes some kind of periodic testing of a driver's sight, hearing, reaction times, maybe a check that they understand and comply with any changes in legislation..
I think everyone should be retested periodically, with more frequent retest based on age, and on prior test performance. It's probably an unpopular opinion, but I'd also like to see police give more tickets for "bad driving" offenses like changing lanes in an intersection (especially while turning, which I see a lot) and remaining in a left lane when not passing or preparing to turn left.
NOT at a certain age but on the symptoms appearance level of certain afflictions e.g diabetes
While it may well be discrimination to test for driving capability after a certain age, it is you say...a good idea to do so, for the good of the whole. This is a safety issue, and at times a life-or-death issue. Who among us would react pleasantly were we to find out that a loved one were involuntarily manslaughter by someone who, quite frankly, didn't deserve to have a driver license?
Humans have a strong tendency to deteriorate both mentally and physically after "middle-age." Perhaps a good idea would be to require yearly (or every-other year) road tests for anyone over the age of, say, 50 or 60. And if there could be some fair, incorruptible way of offering a discounted price to passing (as opposed to failing) folks being required to test each year, that would make the situation all the better. But I'm not sure how we'd ensure that people aren't wrongfully "failed," when they qualify for the discount, just to pull in more money for a struggling DMV.
With the Baby Boomers retiring and entering their senior years, hopefully self-driving cars will take up the slack, and even make it unnecessary to own your own car..just use an app to summon an e-drone taxi.
One could type in or speak the desired destination, then sit back and read a magazine.