Why tf are we in this world are we even real?!
No matter the truth, we are here and see a reality which allows us to question it. But to find the real answer lies in quantum physics and I believe we will crack the code. In the mean time, I always hold conversations with the two voices in my head, Who the hell am I talking with when I talk to myself?
It is a reasonable assumption that we are real. As for why we are here, there is no why. There is only how and what. The how we came into being is not yet known, but it is being studied and some progress is being made. What our purpose or reason for being is can be stated clearly and succinctly. Our purpose is to survive, procreate, and perpetuate the species. Now, go read a good book.
Asked and answered a hundred times on here.
Please do searches before posting.
All the common questions and debates have been done to death.
hits blunt
Like, what if we're just like ...whoa man. How can this website be real if our eyes aren't real?
put the joint down pandy
@coralisthree What if the joint isn't real coral?
What if you're not real? What if I'm not real?
hits bl---
Hang on guys, my mom's calling. She is gonna make me soooo angry if she didn't pick me up more Mountain Dew.
@Xuande hahah