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Spiritual but not Religious, WHATS THAT

I used to think I knew what people meant when they said, "I'm Spiritual, but not Religious". I thought it meant that they did not observe or adhere to a specific Religious doctrine.

It sounds pretty cool, easy going, maybe they commune with nature or something like that... but I looked up Spiritualism and it is a belief in spirits and communicating through mediums with the dead. I'm sure that's not what they mean.

So my question is .. what does that mean when someone says "I'm Spiritual and Not Religious" ? What does it mean to you? Do you ever say it?

k80b619 5 Oct 20

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I try to avoid using the word spirituality because everyone seems to have their own definition. I work with a chaplain who frequently describes her self as "spiritual" and not religious. When asked, she reports having learned that god is love and transcends all religious belief systems / dogma. You can imagine having a discussion with her is extremely difficult.


The label "spiritual" can have as many definitions as "religious" in the way that there are many forms of religion, just as there are many forms of spirituality. Non-religious spiritual beliefs can be as diverse as religious beliefs. Think of the differences between Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, let alone the various denominations of each.

It can mean simply being good without a supernatural god or religious text, or it can mean feeling a connection to people and things around you and having a personally thought out way of life where you fit into the world in a positive way, or it can mean believing in "spirits" not defined by organized religion, and so on. Many forms of spirituality, and each person is likely to give a different answer for their own feelings on the subject.

Spirituality is not necessarily a form of spiritualism, but it could be for some.

Right and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive either. I think I am neither, (religious or spiritual) just because the word Spirit... to me is something supernatural, and I can't say that I believe in that.

the word spiritual is possibly incapable of not being attached some form of religion ……… like apples and pears, love and marriage etc ,,,,,as iv'e stated the word is redundant in the 21st centuary


Yeah, I am with you. It can cover a lot of different possibilities, from new age crystals to zen meditation. And they are NOT similar at all....

Exactly. All over the place.


I think it's a bit of a cop out. They don't want to dismiss religion completely so they come out with this. I am still wondering what it means.


My guess is they are not communicating with Spirits, unless it is the liquid kind. Most probably mean they don't adhere to a specific religious path, but you can ask what they mean.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 21, 2019

Their afraid to use words like atheist and agnostic.


It means they want to go to heaven, but don't want to do or give up all the shit to get there, so they believe in the happy imaginary friend fairy land without the need to 'earn' it.


As in my case im a cosmic child, we know there are beings lot older than us,no one god


My experience is people say they are spiritual because they don't want to admit they simply do not believe in a god or religion.


i really wouldn't know , but off the top pf my head I imagine that religious is something you imagine you have already had preparation for by being religious,e.g. going to sunday school then church etc. and so you would equate a strange experience with religiosity - Again off my head top a spiritual experience is one where some extemely profound truth tailor made 'seemingly' 'just for you' - hits you between the eyes (or whatever ) and you find an understanding of something that you had never thought about before


It means different things to different people. I avoid using words that add unnecessary complexity to a concept. If I commune with nature, I say I commune with nature. If I believed in ghosts, I would say I believe in ghosts. To be clear I don't believe in ghosts lol

Me neither. Always wondered why ghosts were not naked. I mean surely their clothes were not coming back to haunt other (still living?) clothes?

@k80b619 Thats funny you say that because I've asked people where do ghosts get their clothes Ghost Gap?


I find that essentially there is no difference...they need to believe in something to get by in life whether it be "energy" or "forces" with wonderful catch phrases like "being in the moment" although I'm sure many people with them would rather be in any other moment when they are like that. Just my experience and with someone I'm dating they still like to throw their catch phrases at you when they know you don't believe.

lerlo Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

I mark that catogory sometimes for myself. I will think of what I am not - neither religious or nihilistic. So what is left?

MrDMC Level 7 Oct 20, 2018

It usually means they believe in angels guiding them, dead relatives guiding them, or heaven is really on Jupiter, and it can actually mean to the ones making the claims of "spiritual but not religious" exactly anything that they decide they want it to mean. It has any meaning they desire but they do not go to church.

Keep in mind that "spiritual" and "spiritualism" as 2 separate things.

I think spiritual is also Quasi-religious, as someone on here also said.


I think you had it right on the first try, spiritual without adhering to a particular religious doctrine. But you will find everything in there from new age to shamans to lightworkers. It’s quite a catch-all title for a wide range of spiritual experimenters.

The old term spiritualism comes from the 1920’s or even a bit before, when the likes of Alistair Crowley gave it some shortlived presence in society.

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